Spiral Architect-" A Sceptic's Universe"

Yes, fantastic band.

I'm afraid I don't have pics from the sessions. I do know that Steinar used a Paul Reed Smith guitar and a Soldano preamp with a Soldano power amp. I'm sure you can find more details on the guitar in the Spiral Architect forum though.
I've always used Tannoy monitors. I have a pair of 10" LGMs in custom Mastering Lab cabinets with ML crossovers. I usually mix back into Pro Tools on digital projects and on analogue ones I'll mix to Pro Tools HD.

The D-A stage would probably be Pro Tools HD -> SSL on the mix and then back into PT from the SSL. After that all D->A would happen in mastering and that would depend on who masters which project.

I certainly still use tape when it's appropriate. "Dahmer" was entirely analogue for example.
I used to like it a lot, but it's not really one of my favourites from a "my work" point of view. I love the music and the band of course, but I think given a bit more time and with today's technology, I could have probably done a much better job. I know that if I had been using a computer - based multitrack recording format like Pro Tools (which sadly didn't exist at that time) I could have got around all sorts of technical issues that came up during the recording and compiling prior to the mix, where we had to ship ADAT tapes around the globe to get additional work done on the stuff. We had all sorts of timing problems trying to get those ADATs to sync back up to the original multitracks, due to the huge number of tape edits on the master tapes (over 70 I think) where the ADATs would lose sync and misbehave.

Still, that being said, we did get it done. I just feel that if I had the chance to do the same album today I'd do a lot of things rather differently.
I'm inclined to agree with Neil. I'll bite the bullet and say the production on that release isn't quite my fave thing in the world :). It would be really cool to hear this one with a newer production job, as the music seems quite solid.