Spiral Architect Info


Sep 20, 2004
Hey Neil, I totatly didn't know you produced Spiral Architect "A Sceptic's Universe." Maybe you've hit on this info in the past but what amps and guitar gear did they use. I'm not out to reproduce the tone or anything, I'm use curious as to how they got those awesome lead and crunch tones (aside from talent and practice and all that) Any info is welcome. Thanks and take care and can't wait to hear the new Nile. :rock:
We used a Soldano preamp into the power amp input of a Soldano integrated tube amplifier. We did that because the integrated amp didn't have the gain we needed and the separate pre did. The guitar used was a Paul Reid Smith owned by Steinar. As far as the lead guitar I'm not really sure as those were done in Norway, but I would imagine that it was the same PRS. I really don't know what amp was used for the leads though, I'm afraid.