Spiral Architect's spanish article of Wikipedia


New Metal Member
Jan 15, 2011
Hi, I'm from Argentina and joined this forum only because of Spiral Architect. You guys blew my fucking brains out since the very first time listened your music, and I'm very excited right now about the idea that you could read these words eventually, I really admire you.
Nevertheless, I'm not here to suck your asses up :grin:. The reason that bring me is to proudly tell all the spanish-speakers readers of these forum that right now, our language version of Spiral Architect's article is the most complete and updated in the Wikipedia.
I took the freedom of dig in these forum and others few sources in the net and translate all the information about Spiral Architect that i thought could contribute to an encyclopedic article. After that, I edited and hang it in the Wikipedia. Hope haven't put anything wrong and inappropiate, cause the only intention was spread the knowledge about these MONSTERS of music.
I left here the link to the article, and take this opportunity to congratulate Spiral Architect for have achieved such a masterpiece with A Sceptic's Universe, and tell you that your argentinian fans are waiting anxiously the new material...

Thanks to you man, for make such amazing music... The article basically tells the story that your website used to show, plus mention the last concert of 2001 and the back of last year. Also there's a brief section with the bands in wich you guys played outside Spiral Architect. And in the end, a short description of the sound and lyrics of A Sceptic's Universe, with the "Songwriting process" of Lars, song by song. In that section I also quoted things that you and Kaj told about Conjuring Collapse and Adaptability. Pretty much that's all... I don't made the english article also because, as you can see, I suck writing in that lenguage (I can understand it, but is hard to me to compose)... ^^