hadn't posted in awhile. What's been going on?

PMP how ya doing? I meant on the engineering and audio QUALITY specifically on the new album. Did they even have an engineer? I assume Asgeir is a part-time engineer, if he has a studio.

If there was just something we could do to promote the new album ourselves... I mean, can you imagine opening a tech/prog metal album shop? We would not sell a damn thing on the street. The internet is the only way these bands thrive I bet. Well I am opening it up for discussion. We should go flame other boards about SA lol.

Any news on the album? (just listened to PX-Quantum, VERY NICE)

Have you guys ever heard BE by Pain of Salvation? (I know, most of you guys aren't into them)
Sorry, not into them... :p

They should create an 'official internet street team' like the Symphony X one


Then we could all do our bit to promote a new SA album, I'd definately be up for that... It helps to have official banners and links etc. though *hint hint*

P.S. I'm goin' good Starman ;) New Planet X is awesome eh! :rock:
are there people here that are into Mekong Delta

oh hell yeah mekong delta kicks ass
the music of erich zann is great as well as dances of death and the first on i think just called mekong delta
theyre no SA but still a big influence on my prog metal interests