I have to say that SA's work is amazing- i cant add more to what ALL have said here, i have "bragged" about this band since the release of "a Sceptics Universe". Even put a "Discription" of the bands music on a "Divider Card" for SA, when i worked for Tower Records in Santa Monica Ca. years ago!
Recently (this year of 05)- i was AMAZED at all the listeners of "Progulus.com" (at the "time" was Progged-went minimal, and Progulus was born from the fans of the former, like me . . . i know, shameless plug)who KNEW of SA and more!
I would say if you are CURIOUS of the band, if you like:
1. Watchtower
2. Cynic
3. Psychotic Waltz
4. Meshuggah
5. Thought Industry (1st two)
6. Spastik Ink
7. Prototype
8. Cea Serin
9. Fates Warning
10. Realm
You'll love the complexity, compositions, and brilliance of SA.
By the way- i think Oyvind ONLY sounds like Graves/Lacky when he hits a
"certain" pitch, other than that, He's his own sound.
Us "prog pirates" at Progulus CANT WAIT till the NEW album comes out!
It would be CRAZY if SA and Watchtower release their NEW albums SIMULTANIOUSLY!!! DONT TAKE TOO LONG(ER), its like waiting for a Eric Johnson release!

<----to Spiral Architect and the "10" on the LIST!