OK - here's a band Spiral Architect fans may like: LINEAR SPHERE

didnt that happen after Destroy. Erase. Improve?
ok, ill give chaosphere a few highlights but from there on out it just became a bore... unless youre into tonal repeition as some form of profound "metal art"

asgeir said:
Great band for people who think Meshuggah's become boring.

- Asgeir
Okay, i've listened. I can see where you're coming from. The only thing is, I don't enjoy the singers style all that much. Regardless, i'd like to buy their album(s) - any idea where I could find them for a reasonable price?

Edit: Nevermind, found Reality Dysfunction for £8.99 - cheers :D
fragility said:
I don't think either is a "better" choice...more that they each provide something different. Some people might dislike the vocals, but then equally, I've heard a lot of people criticise Canvas Solaris for lacking emotion (I don't agree with either point), so I suppose it's all about what it is that people liked about bands like Cynic in the first place :)
Canvas Solaris are the best band doing what they are doing which is...er. yeah.

Their new album is deffinitely worth tracking down.
AjDeath said:
Canvas Solaris are the best band doing what they are doing which is...er. yeah.

Their new album is deffiniteley worth tracking down.

yeah canvas solaris is really cool, one of the first bands i heard that got that world music fibe going on just like Cynic without sounding to "pushed".
I just picked up Continuo Renacer from Lasercd and it's the closest I've found to have the SA sound. It's also instrumental only.
know of the band through Steve (bassist- ) a bud.
Love the CD and agree the vocalist is very aqcuired taste- all fantastic musicians. Steve used to play in bands with me before he moved to london.
He also plays in band called Foe who are cool.
(he may have already told you this so forgive me if so.) we should be finishing off a side project soon called SEIGE SOCIETY - JK (Me) on vocals (melodic) (thE.thinkinG.principlE), Steve (Linear Sphere) Bass, Eon- Guitar (Twisted Autumn Darkness) Jed -Drums (Fifth Season ,Real) Dan- Vocals (aggressive)
Going to be technical thrash metal with melodic and aggressive vocals- hopefully Steve will be playing his stick on it too.
Cool band- talented bunch of fellows they are too!
Know Steve (Bassist)-
(See he has popped in and said hello.):kickass:
Worked with Steve few times over last few years in few bands.
Should be finishing off side project SIEGE SOCIETY in next few months.
I'll be singing- and yes i agree with the opening message- prog singers do get hard time!- but that's the way of the world- what one person hates:Puke: another loves- :notworthy
personally i LOVE Alan Tecchio's vocals:notworthy (way better than McMasters)- truly suits the music as the vocalist is using his talant & range- just like the rest of the band are using their instrument to the best of their ability. Most people can 'sing' aggressive vocals (and i love a lot of bands who do)- but not many can sing like Spiral, Tower & Waltz- :OMG:
Check out thE.thinkinG.principlE
Hey guys, this is Steve from Linear Sphere. I thought I'd resurrect this thread to let you know we have a new album coming out called 'Manvantara'. Below is the promo video plus a video of me playing Chapman Stick along to one of the tracks from the album:

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I think I like it. They have a very very strong Holdsworth style abstract fusion thing going on. Great lead playing, great bass, very original and powerful vocals. The only thing that I can't totally get into are these long Meshuggah-esque grooves that they employ a little too much. But they have plenty of Cynic style riffs to keep me interested. Top level players are playing in this band, I'd love to hear more.