spl goldmike 9844 vs. fmr rnp


Mar 13, 2004

i'd like to buy a new preamp and i don't know which one.
i just heard nothing but good reviews about the rnp and a few years ago, the goldmike was a preamp, that a lot pf people liked.
i have the chance to get the goldmike used and cheaper than the rnp.
well, i know they are different(tube vs. ss), but maybe some of you have experience with using both of them.
what about treating transients in the case of the goldmike - is it a bit too slow for drums? what about the impedance of 1.8khz - a bit too high for dynamic mics?
please give me some advices on what instruments you used the goldmike and when you liked it!
the rnp would be my favourite, but it is so expensive for me, so i thought i could end up using the goldmike instead - please help me!!


I think the RNP will be more allround because the case with the SPL is: on certain sources it rocks (snare with an sm57/Overheads/anything condenser realy) and on some sources (mostly sm57/58 recorded stuff) it produces a good signal but one that just doesn't go well in the mix for some reason (vocals with a dynamic mostly/guitars at times)

And allthough i Loooooovveee my Goldmike for the stuff it does work for (it is still alot), you realy need something non t00b which will work good on dynamic mics like sm57/audix i5.. etc...

Something with a switchable impedance maybe?

Like this: http://www.thomann.de/de/summit_audio_2ba_221.htm ?
yeah thanks,

but the summit is out of my budget.

so you think, that using condensers for cymbals or vocs, acoustic guitars work fine with the goldmike, right?

and for dynamic stuff like bd and snare you would not recommend it?


have never had any problems with the goldmike and dynamics, the impedance is pretty much standard, and shouldn't cause major problems.
of course condensors are less picky about impedances, but that goes for any pre.
My vocals fall in the mix waaaaayyy easyer with a Focusrite platinum series if i'm using a sm58...
don't know what it is but i just keep tweaking when using a spl on vocals...

On all other things its still:worship: though