Splintered Skies - The Latest Album


Meyvn Guitar Man
Sep 2, 2005
Austin, TX
For those who don't know....

Our latest album is called "Splintered Skies", it was released last September by KillZone Records. It features about 70 minutes of prog-metal goodness spread over 11 tracks (some of which can be heard here or here). We've received a lot of great reviews, like this one:

"Progressive power metal akin to Dream Theater and Symphony X, Meyvn is led by frontman Rick Clark who really gets into character when he sings, delivering a powerful performance. The band behind him is incredibly tight-knit. Each of the players is a master of his instrument. Fingers run across strings, up and down fret boards and atop keys with the greatest of ease and stunning results. The musical landscape traversed is wide and varied, telling numerous tales of journeys, nightmares and modern crusaders."
Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles

You can order the album from the following online shops:
KillZone Records
The End Records
Century Media
Nightmare Records
Hi guys

Only heard the MP3 tracks so far but you guys really sound awesome. Not to compare you directly but for me the music reminds me of early Queensryche "positive thing".

Having trouble finding your album in the UK ie. Play.com Amazon etc but not to worry, decided to get in the car and visit Baarlo to listen to you guys live. Much the better option.

So far, so very very good. Well done and hopefully look forward to seeing you live at the Astoria/Mean Fiddler London in the non to distant future....
Hi guys

Only heard the MP3 tracks so far but you guys really sound awesome. Not to compare you directly but for me the music reminds me of early Queensryche "positive thing".

Having trouble finding your album in the UK ie. Play.com Amazon etc but not to worry, decided to get in the car and visit Baarlo to listen to you guys live. Much the better option.

So far, so very very good. Well done and hopefully look forward to seeing you live at the Astoria/Mean Fiddler London in the non to distant future....

Thanks! We love early Queensryche, so the comparison is appreciated :rock: . We should have some better distribution in the UK soon, or you can order the album from one of the online shops listed above.

We'll see you in October at Baarlo!

- Drew
Splintered Skies was in my top 3 for 2006. Outstanding "old school" prog metal at it's finest.

So, any touring plans for the U.S.?
Splintered Skies was in my top 3 for 2006. Outstanding "old school" prog metal at it's finest.

So, any touring plans for the U.S.?

Thanks Scott! Well, we play in Texas all the time and we are working on getting some shows in other parts of the country. We're putting together a european tour for later in the year, so maybe after that we'll be able to hit one of the coasts or something. We'll see!