Sponsored a Battle of The Bands - This is what I got....

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey all,

As the title says, I sponsored a local Battle of the Bands. This was to benefit a suicide prevention hot line.... ....a cause that's pretty close to my heart as I had a good friend and bandmate kill himself 2 days before Christmas of 1995.

So, when the organizers asked me if I'd be interested, I jumped at the chance. I gave away 10 hours of studio time.... figuring it would be enough to lay down at least one song.

Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised by the winners. This isn't metal by any stretch of the imagination.... it's funk-rock. These guys really stood out among the numerous cookie-cutter screamo bands.

As for the recording, it's 100% real. No autotune, no sample replacement, no amp sims, hell, we didn't even use a metronome! I was especially impressed with the drummer. Great technique... lots of finesse. ...and he's only 16.

Here it is: First song on the player:
Nuclear Sunrise - Come in from the Cold.

As always, comments & questions are welcome.
what a recording! drums sound absolutely lovely, and it grooves like a moose.
i think that's great that it was for a good cause. that band sounds great they did all that in 10 hours? i liked the drummer the backing vocals and guitar solo they all tied everything together.
Just a splash of reverb to give it a little depth.

For the cleans, we used a Dual Recto/Mesa Cab & a Studio Projects C1. I've always loved the clean sounds on the Recto. The guitar on the right was a Fender Strat, and on the left, a Les Paul Jr. Bass was a Fender Jazz into a Sansamp.

One point worth mentioning: The drummer brought in a set of Pear Demon Drive pedals. I was really blown away by them... Completely effortless to play. The beaters were really cool too, an interesting combo of hard/soft material for a really cool sound.
Love this! Everything sounds reaaaally good.

::Edit:: Totally off topic, but while browsing your site I noticed you worked on the second Woods of Ypres album. I'm a huuuuuuge fan, how was it working with them? I absolutely love the mix on that album, so vibey and soothing (I guess it's weird to describe a black metal album like that =Ð), it really takes you to a different place.
Love this! Everything sounds reaaaally good.

::Edit:: Totally off topic, but while browsing your site I noticed you worked on the second Woods of Ypres album. I'm a huuuuuuge fan, how was it working with them? I absolutely love the mix on that album, so vibey and soothing (I guess it's weird to describe a black metal album like that =Ð), it really takes you to a different place.

Actually, I worked on the first two Woods discs. I did "Against the Seasons" as well as "Pursuit." Needless to say, my production skills back then weren't what they are these days, but I'm glad you enjoyed the disc.

What was it like? It was without a doubt, the most difficult project I've ever done. If you know the history of that record, you know that the musicians who played on it weren't credited in the original pressing. Not sure about any further pressings, but professionalism keeps me from elaborating further.
However, you should be able to draw your own conclusions on the making of the disc based on the above information.

After the disc was finished, we parted ways.... and I certainly wish them all the success in the world.
Hahaha yeah I figured as much. They haven't had the best of luck with lineups and stuff in general. Pretty cool to learn that a Sneapster worked on two of my fave records though =D, especially considering the 3rd album is a production nightmare. Awesome songs, but the mix is pretty bad.

Thanks for the info!