Spotlight: WorkChoices is fucked

haha once again you pinkos fail; just target my shit spelling, i'm surprised you haven't attempted to save your pin boy yet though. And it was costello not downer who was grilling the inept faggot leader of the dumb arse party. Can't wait till we see Labor's tax proposal hahahahahahaha, bunch of dumb arses. And your all voting for him hahahahaha you knobs. :kickass:
No, I'm voting against Howard this time.

Not FOR anyone, as the guy that I used to vote FOR got redistributed by the government that I'm voting AGAINST.

There's a BIG difference between voting for versus voting out.
So you'll vote against Howard because?

He's a lying arrogant wanker? At least he knows how to run the fucken country :kickass:
And there is no difference between voting for rudd or against howard in that the vote goes to the same person; intent isnt a voting factor.
You are wrong.

because in my idealistic world, at some stage a politician is going to realise that he wants to EARN my vote, rather than be the lesser of two evils.

But a fucktard budding economist wouldn't understand ideals.
I once spoke to Dan on MSN, and he told me he was gay


Dan says:
I'm a gay man.

Koich says:
yeah I know

Dan says:
Seriously man, right in the date.
I once spoke to Dan on MSN, and he told me he was gay


Dan says:
I'm a gay man.

Koich says:
yeah I know

Dan says:
Seriously man, right in the date.

Awesome argument as to how Rudd isn't shit. Typical pinko :kickass:
QUEENSLAND'S workplace ombudsman is investigating the sacking of a Cairns receptionist two months before she was due to take long-service leave.

The woman was dismissed for reasons of misconduct, reportedly two months prior to her taking her 10-year long-service leave believed to be worth about $6000.

More on the Chili's fiasco.,22049,22484734-5001021,00.html,22049,22482081-5001021,00.html

It's funny that Hockey is running about flapping his arms saying that the State Govt. investigation is "just a stunt" when his own department's investigation still hasn't come up with anything, and they started investigating it months before NSW did. If his boss hadn't replaced a faulty bureaucratic process with one that's even worse, none of this would have happened in the first place.
And before you start again Dan, it's not simply about people not reading things before they sign them, it's about the Federal Government developing a legislation that allows employers to develop working conditions for their staff that were previously unacceptable and/or illegal under previous bureaucracies.
Even if they read them they would have had no understanding of what was in it unless they paid a lawyer to translate it all for them. What 16-19yr old has a few hundred minmum to spare.
Some are extremely hard to understand.
I read one that was for a hotel and even with notations from a lawyer I still had no idea what it all was about and that one was only 5 pages long.