Squash Bowels - No Mercy


Houses Ov Mercury
Jan 20, 2004
Dracut, MA
Now I know I'm one of the only people here who likes them...I know maybe 3 more...but has this leaked yet? If it has, then I can't find it anywhere, and it's driving me nuts, because I heard a song off it.


That's the song. It's called "Splinter Off Blood". I suggest you all listen to it. Then, maybe someone will become enlightened and can tell me all about it.

Fucking awesome song. For some reason it sounded rather Thrashy to me. I don't know. I thought they were your typical Gore-Grind (. . .or whatever you call it) band. The vocals take a while to get used to though. It's almost like he is screaming through the wrong end of a funnel. Fascinating actually.
Haha, \m/. They rock. Yeah, it is goregrind, they're just not really your typical. And, yeah it does sound rather thrashy. 'The Mass Rotting...The Mass Sickening' is a great album. I'll put up an mp3 from ther ein a minute.
Yeah, you should. Get 'The Mass Rotting...The Mass Sickening', it's all you can find on stuff like SLSK. I couldn't find anything about Tnyribal, or their new album, or much about their splits and EPs. :(
Hm, I think I need to find a way to listen to this. Possibly, one of my friends might know where to go to find the album or one of them might actually have it...
Damn, I am fucking loving it. I really like it about 20 seconds in. I think they should throw a massive breakdown in their. That would really catch you off gaurd. It would be great though.

It just sucks that the production is so bad. Oh well, you really can't complain. Most stuff like this is badly produced anyway. It sounds like it was recorded in a basement. Oh well. You learn to live with it.
I couldn't find anything about Tnyribal, or their new album, or much about their splits and EPs.
Tnyribal is a very strange album. I really like it personally, but it's not for everyone. It's broken up into about 6 tracks with 3 - 5 songs in each track, some being wierd ambient/noise interlude kinda things. The production is very different to Mass Rotting - really, really raw and a little bit "dark". You can barely make out the guitars most of the time, but the drums are extremely thick and pounding, and the vocals are varied, crazy and a bit wierd....so it keeps it interesting and makes it almost sounds like a drum/vocal solo a lot of the time, which I dig.
The only splits I have are the ones with CBT and Malignant Tumour......both are good and have pretty raw production, but not as raw as Tnyribal. I prefer the MT split because the MT material absolutely rules, and the SB material is also excellent....really deep, nasty, bassy sound and probably their best vocals that I've heard.
... I just got done listening to the album. Very kickass! After I buy the next couple of CD's on my "to buy" list, I shall purchase this!