SSD in Cubase 6

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Hey guys, I just can't get SSD/Kontakt player to show up in Cubase 6. Installed/Unistalled several times, made sure the .dll was in the right place (even tried the wrong places). Anyone else had that problem?

To clarify, it doesn't show up in VST intruments at all.
did you rescan!?

also if you have the wrong version installed it does not show up, like 64bit version installed to 32bit plugin folder.
go to "Devices" > "Plugin Information" > "Refresh/Update" not sure how it's actually calles in english version
I've just gone through a similar process myself. Next problem I've got is that the SSD Player GUI in EX4 doesn't show up in Cubase 6 Elements, just showing a white window instead.