SSD samples no longer loading correctly...


Jan 12, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
I would take this to the SSD forum but so far I haven't found anything worthy of useful advice there.

As of recently, when I open up Kontakt and open up my multis, a lot of the samples are either not loading or loading incorrectly. As in, they're cutting off prematurely.
My current fix for this is to "purge all samples" and then "reload all samples" but as soon as I click either of those buttons, Kontakt will freeze for about ten minutes until everything is reloaded.

It's really odd…
This happens whether or not I open up templates with the kit already loaded or even if I open up a new project with nothing but Kontakt.

Keep in mind that everything used to load fine and that this problem has only started happening recently.

I'm using Studio One Pro, on a Macbook Pro 2.4ghz, 4GB or RAM, and plenty of open HD space.

I also haven't change file/folder locations or touched anything in the SSD system directory.

Anything will help, please!
Thanks for your time!
something like that happened to me, too. i would suggest repeating the "install" process, when copying your libraries in its folders on your drive.
mine were gone from there for some reason.