Need help re-installing SSD EX , Metal And More


Oct 10, 2009
Hey guys, I looked this up on Slate's site and on his YT channel, but he only has info on how to install SSD 4.0. I have SSD 3.5 , EX version with the Metal and more expansion. I recently got a new laptop and I have all the downloaded files, including the serial etc, but I see no pdf or read me for installation. Also, when I try to just run the install through Kontakt service center, it says enter the serial for the products you want to activate, but SSD isn't there. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It's a long time ago that I installed the program, but I found a readme and the pdf manual somewhere on my disk. Maybe this helps you out? DOWNLOAD INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS.rtf 3.5 Operation Manual 1.2.pdf

I guess it's not illegal to share the included manual, right?

Nah, it's not illegal to share the manual. I have those files already, thanks anyway dude. Unfortunately those files say nothing about actually installing the program.
Here's what I had in my inbox from when I bought SSD EX during that big AudioMIDI deal a few years back, so you can probably ignore step 1 but the rest *should* be good. I hope this helps!

1. Direct your web browser to Fill in the first name, last name, and e-mail fields, then cut and paste the passcode into the passcode field (this is case-sensitive).

2. The next screen will display your serial number; this will also be emailed to you. We recommend saving this serial number in a safe place. Click the "click here" link; this takes you to the login page. It's best to open a new browser window when doing this in order to simplify copying the username and password (right-click and Open in new window on PC or Mac). Copy the username and password (case sensitive) into the appropriate fields.

3. Once you've entered the username and password, you'll be taken to the "Download Area" page. Download the following files:


Note: These files, particularly the EX_001 and EX_002 files, are BIG (around 2GB) and can take a long time to download dependent upon your internet connection. Be patient for the tonnage of rock mayhem that awaits you!

4. Open the INSTALLERS MAC AND PC folder and double-click to unarchive the appropriate file for PC or Mac. Now open the SSD INSTALLERS folder and double-click the Steven Slate Drums EX file to unarchive it. Once it's done, double-click the Steven Slate Drums EX Installer to install. Choose a destination. Note that in this dialog, external drives will be unavailable, however, they can be selected on the next screen.

5. Now double-click the file to unarchive it. Once it's done, double-click the Kontakt Player 3 Installer to install it. This is the Native Instruments Kontakt player Steven Slate Drums uses within your DAW. Check the appropriate boxes for the plug-in format used by your DAW software in the installer.

6. Locate the Steven Slate Drums EX Library folder. If you don't see a Samples folder, create a new folder and name it Samples. Drag the following files into the Samples folder:

. Steven Slate Drums EX_info.nkx
. EX_002.nkx
. EX_003.nkx

If you have a fast external hard drive for audio/samples, we recommend relocating the Steven Slate Drums EX Library to it for optimum performance.

7. Now we'll authorize the Native Instruments Kontakt Player. In your computer's applications folder, locate and open the Service Center folder, open it, and launch the Service Center app. This is a Native Instruments app used to manage all licenses and updates for Native Instruments software. It's automatically installed with the Steven Slate Drums EX Installer.

Upon launching Service Center, it may take a bit to initialize and will likely perform a "self-update". When it finishes, click the restart dialog box (sometimes it runs through this process a couple times). Once Service Center launches, you'll see Steve Slate Drums EX listed with a field for the serial number. Cut and paste the serial in its entirety from the registration email you received, then click the Activate button. You can now quit Service Center.
8. You can now run Steve Slate Drums EX either as a standalone by launching Kontakt Player from the applications folder, or as a virtual instrument inside your DAW software.

If you run into any installation issues, please contact Steven Slate Drums support at
Here's what I had in my inbox from when I bought SSD EX during that big AudioMIDI deal a few years back, so you can probably ignore step 1 but the rest *should* be good. I hope this helps!

Thanks man , yeah that does help a bit. I'm kinda confused because when I do the service center thing for activation, SSD isn't there. I'm able to open up Kontakt and play the drums. I guess I must have already registered and forgot it? Also, how do I install the Metal and more pack? How would I know if I already installed it? I see SSD Ex in Kontakt player, would metal and more be separate or under EX?
Also, when I go into instruments under EX in Kontakt, most of the snares etc load, but a few say "This patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded unless the repspected library is registered properly" . Why would some work and some not?