Stabbing The Drama

I personally think the guitars sound like total ass on this record.

That said, according to their forums, it was some kind of randall, and from pictures, it was a 1960a cab with 2x57's.
When I talked to Mr. Örnkloo (who worked with Bergstrand at the time, recording guitars), he said that "I only use the 5150, I love it". But if he was full of it, or spoke the truth, I can't say. He also said that there were no edits on the drums.... sure Burt! :rolleyes:
Very nice production on that one, but Natural Born Chaos still wins. That said, if I'm not mistaken the live rig when they came around a little while ago on tour was Krank (Ola) and 5150 (Guy who filled in for Peter) and it didn't sound too different.

I personally think the guitars sound like total ass on this record

I think they sound good in the context of the rest of the mix, but if I dialed in the EXACT same tone to record with for my band, I wouldn't be happy with it.

I also saw Soilwork when I was in London back in September, and talked to the guys afterwards. I asked Ola (guitarist) how he decides which amps to use on tour, and he said he really had no idea...his roadies just kind of grabbed one for him, haha...but he did say that he really likes the Krank amps a lot, but they're harder to use as much as he wants because they're a US based company. Ola (bass player) basically is a hilarious nutcase (I can only imagine how insane it is when him and Adam D are in the same room), but I asked him about his Caparison bass and he told me "It was a piece of shit and I gave it away", haha. Then when I talked with Bjorn, part of the conversation went like this:

Are you guys going to record with Frederik Nordstrom again?
-No, we've done that enough times. It's time for something new.
Is there any chance at all that you guys might work with Andy Sneap?
I see. Do you know at all who you MIGHT work with?
-I don't know, maybe Colin.

That's all he really said about that...but I would be excited if they had Colin mix their next record. I don't know if anything has been planned yet, does anyone know?
yea i think this mix sounds amazing personally. I think the drum sound is one of my favorite. I guess different strokes for different folks:err:
Everything sounds very good to me, i think every instrument find a real place into the mix, and the whole thing sounds killer.
I love to know those drums are not triggered (Dirk said it somewhere), but the fact the drums aren't edited seems a little strange because the playing is perfect !

The pics from the Savage and 5150 were taken into the studio where they recorded the guitars for the previous album (drums were recorded at Bergstrand's Dug Out studios for that one too).

The album was mixed on an SSL console !
My dad digs this album more than me! He's a drummer, and gets a nut off this drummer's style. It's funny, he's had Steely Dan and Soilwork on heavy rotation in his truck for two years.:lol: Good album. My fav album songwise is Predator's Portrait.
OT from Stabbing. On Figure #5, I hear this "glassyl" sheen on top. Like when you get a copy of an mp3 that's poor quality. Really annoying. Anyone else notice this on Figure#5?

Yes, I remember it being discussed in some thread. I personally have the same feeling. And apart from that it's squashed.