Stage one of my back tattoo


May 29, 2011
Here's the stage one of my back tattoo freshly healed:


I took the inspiration in the Urnes stave church portal:

Next tattoo session will be by the end of August.

If some of you can also post their tattoos, it would be cool.
Thanx, later on I'd like a Jörmungandr between the upper waist and the other tattoos I have on the top of my shoulders and at the back of the neck.
This is one of the comments I could read in Wikipedia:

"A common interpretation of this scene is that it portrays the eternal fight between good and evil (...)

On the other hand, it is possible that the decoration of the earlier church featured some scenes from Norse mythology, a likely reason for its premature reconstruction in the 12th century. In this context, the animal may be interpreted as Níðhöggr eating the roots of Yggdrasil. The intertwined snakes and dragons represent the end of the world according to the Norse legend of Ragnarök"

I'm listening to "Gods of War arise" with the volume up, feels good after a long boring day at work!
Loks very nice so far :)
Keep us updated ^^

Seems like you're not the only one who took the "Urnesportalen" as inspiration *looking at the cover of OSFTGH* ^^
Don't really see the point in getting a tattoo with a band name unless you are actually in the band, otherwise it's quite sad.

Personally I wouldn't do it either as I may not like that band in, say 5 years, but I don't think it's sad... Many fans get tattooed some artists name in a way or another