Stages in your mix?


Apr 17, 2009
Im wondering how many of you out there when mixing just run superior or w/e with all the default settings i.e most things left raw and work on your guitar/bass tones and THEN produce all your drum sounds afterwards?

Or do you always have the basis for your drum sound i.e/compression and e.q set up before u start getting your bass and guitar tones. Also do you do bass before or after guitar?

Just interested :):p
I think slippermans thread is kinda inspiring. It showed me that you never really commit to anything until the very end. things are constantly changing, Everything will fit together until you are faced with obstacles and have to make compromises. you could like a snare sound, but find it doesnt sit right with quadtracked guitars and that snappy bass lick on the verse for example.
I think slippermans thread is kinda inspiring. It showed me that you never really commit to anything until the very end. things are constantly changing, Everything will fit together until you are faced with obstacles and have to make compromises. you could like a snare sound, but find it doesnt sit right with quadtracked guitars and that snappy bass lick on the verse for example.

+100 Agreed... I do a basic drum mix before moving onto guitars, but always end up tweaking everything after its all recorded... still get drummers sat there during guitar sessions saying "is that the final sound, it should sound like..." *slap* "shut up and let me work"