Staind - Break The Cycle


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Now I may be inviting a bunch of fag comments, but fuck it. I really like the guitar tone on this album - specifically the distorted tone on For You, Outside, and Suffer.

Does anyone have any information on the production of this album, specifically the guitars ??
Great guitar sound, most irritating snare sound in the history of irritating snare sounds. (IMO)

St. Anger? Ever heard that? You know, the ONLY irritating snare, because after you've heard it, every other snare ever recorded sounds amazing?
Haha. I liked the album a lot, and I'm not a fan of that kind of snare sound so it stuck out like sore thumb to me whenever I've tried to listen to it.

St. Anger on the other hand, had nothing, again IMO, going for it, so the snare wasn't ruining anything for me. :p
I always loved the tone on the song "For You". Marshall tone!

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I remember Mike saying at one point during an album recording that he had borrowed Wes Borland's VH4. (He was still waiting for his at the time) I don't recall if it was for this album or not though.
“The basic signal we went through for the vocal chain was a Neumann U47 tube double-compressed through an 1176 and a Distressor EL8 through the 1073 Neve module,” Abraham elaborates. “Drums were cut in Studio B at NRG with a 1073 side console and to 2-inch 16-track on a [Studer] 827 and transferred straight into Pro Tools. For some of the bass, I used API and Neve mic pre's, a FET 47 and a [Sennheiser] 421 on the cabinet. I had a couple of Shure 57s on the guitar cabinet, through the API 312 mic pre's and Neve 1073s. I like using the Vocal Stressor by ADR, the Eventide 3500 and TC Electronic Fireworx. Also, the 312 cards are a must-have. The 312s are in a small API sidecar console that goes everywhere with me.”
I remember Mike saying at one point during an album recording that he had borrowed Wes Borland's VH4. (He was still waiting for his at the time) I don't recall if it was for this album or not though.

I read an article years ago saying the exact same thing, except I remember it being Adam Jones' VH4 from Tool. Nevertheless, it was definitely a Deizel, no matter who's it was.
It wasn't cool to listen to these guys back in the day, too much radio play or something. They have some excellent songs and their recordings are great. I refuse to admit the same for Nickelback though.

I prefer Cold personally, more gothy I guess.
Break the Cycle was one of the first 'metal' CD's I ever bought - I was in fifth grade on a trip with my dad to Washington DC and picked up both Jimmy Eat World's Bleed American and this one. Still far prefer JEW to Staind, but I listened to BTC a shit ton and definitely consider it a turning point in my musical tastes!
I always loved the tone on the song "For You". Marshall tone!

man that hihat work and sound in the verse is awesome, but I'm not that big fan of the open hats sound in the chorus. For the open stuff I prefer something more like in the beginning of Limp Bizkit's My Generation:

(btw, anyone noticed that the drum sound changes totally when the guitar comes in? the kick for example turns from boomy to clicky)
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