Stair Taper Credits


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Mar 29, 2003
I have read a lot of posts cheering the stair tapers and wanted to make sure to point out those responsible. Although I was responsible for 5% of it the real credit goes to Todd Brown (The Fiddler) and the folks he recruited. I unfortunately could not tape after 12PM on Friday due to my treatment. And Todd stepped up and that is why he is THE MAN!!! So cheers to Todd and his crew!!! By the way Todd, my stairs in the front of my house need reflective tape too so when are you coming over????????????
Thanks to you for getting the ball rolling, Q, and for Todd and everyone else who taped the stairs. It made it SO much nicer!!!
The tape was a great idea. Maybe next time we can put tape all the way across the steps. Sometimes it is a killer when you can see the edge of the steps. LOL
I cannot imagine how people didn't practically kill themselves with no tape on the steps last year... hell I stumbled every now n' then with the tape... I have no doubt I would've busted something wide open if there hadn't been...

Now if we could only get something done about the sidewalks around there.. holy crap - it's like a cement obstical course in places...
My plan is to hopefully do it again next year. This time I will schedule my flight early on Thursday or even Wednesday to get it done. Glad it helped!!
The_Q said:
So cheers to Todd and his crew!!!

And cheers to you for getting it started!!! It really helped a lot!!

The only place I had any real difficulty was at the bottom, where there was tape on the middle of the stairs, but you could also step off the stairs to the side and there wasn't tape on the side, so you kind of had to feel for it. Even so, the tape in the middle of the step helped give you an idea of where the edge might be. Tape on the corner would have been nice, too, but that's a TINY quibble/suggestion on an AWESOME job!!!!

Thanks again!!!

JenniferLynn said:
Now if we could only get something done about the sidewalks around there.. holy crap - it's like a cement obstical course in places...

You should've been around when they were doing street construction. :P

That said, I agree. Stair Taping FTW. Annual event, I'd hope.
The_Q said:
I have read a lot of posts cheering the stair tapers and wanted to make sure to point out those responsible. Although I was responsible for 5% of it the real credit goes to Todd Brown (The Fiddler) and the folks he recruited.

A big thanks to Esa, as whithout his help, I would have never been able to finish in time Friday before the doors opened. There are rumors about some renovation by this time next year, but those are only rumors. Bell South has already put some money into some upgrades (lighting, video screens, applause sign :lol: ) since taking ownership from Earthlink Live. Seats probably would be next, and I assume the stair situation would be remedied with lights on the sides of the seats or those little LCD lights running across the full lenth of the step's kickboard. Let's keep our fingers crossed. It would be cool to add a bit of HOB style to this venue. The recording facilities here are phenomenal and I think the plan is to draw some big acts in for recording live performances.