Stair Update?

And here's what's really crazy... In all the years I've been going, I've never noticed the stairs! Yet, I hear so many complaints. Are you talking about the ones tha you use to go out into the lobby or the ones that continue up high into the bleachers?
The worst ones are the bottom few stairs as you descend to the floor area (the ones nearest the center of the room..the ones near the outside edges aren't as bad). I bit it on them one year & fell HARD on my bad knees on the cement floor..not fun.
Rick Pierpont said:
And here's what's really crazy... In all the years I've been going, I've never noticed the stairs! Yet, I hear so many complaints. Are you talking about the ones tha you use to go out into the lobby or the ones that continue up high into the bleachers?

I think it's more the lobby stairs that people have a problem with, but the stairs leading up the back seats aren't exactly properly lighted either. I've noticed this many times in the past... I've never had any problem at all myself with these poorly-lit stairs, but apparently several people have tripped or fallen when traversing them, so it would probably be a good idea for something to be done about it.
The stairs leading to the floor and the back seats are short and half height....I'm used to raising my foot a certain height to climb stairs and these trip you up because you lift your foot to climb and the next stair is not at the height you were expecting it. You then stumble and trip. I've done it every year..even holding on to Scott. I've said this year...Im' going for comfort and safety. SCrew looking like a metal chick, I can't drive to work and work if I have a sprained ankle or worse from falling because of those stairs. Thos who have the tape and are bringing it..bless you if you manage to get it on the stairs.

Glenn buddy ya knows I loves you and the stairs are prolly out of your control, but gosh darnit....There are times I dread PP because I'm scared of the stairs! ACK!

Coldie the short
Jax said:
The worst ones are the bottom few stairs as you descend to the floor area (the ones nearest the center of the room..the ones near the outside edges aren't as bad). I bit it on them one year & fell HARD on my bad knees on the cement floor..not fun.

Nope. Not fun at all. I landed on my knees so hard, I'm surprised my teeth didn't fly out of my mouth.
I paid attention to them last year, and yeah, lots of empty pockets where bulbs SHOULD be. It shouldn't be that fuckin' expensive to go to a hardware store, get four boxes of bulbs, and do the deed. Are they being broken by getting kicked? Get some lexan sheets cut into little rectangles, some of those little plastic screw anchors for concrete, and screw them right over the bulb pockets.

This should be a $200 repair, TOPS.

Let us know whassap, Glenn.
I wouldn't even mind the lack of proper lighting on the stairs if there were some sort of railing in place. I know the placement of the seats makes that fairly impossible, but you'd think that would be some sort of safety violation, wouldn't you? Just seems to be a lawsuit waiting to happen...
Come on, people, this is METAL! If you get a few bumps and bruises from falling down a few stairs, you can just go home and tell people about the hellacious mosh pit you were in the middle of! And if you get lucky enough to need a cast after your fall, imagine the street cred you'll have when you tell people it happened stage diving! Look at the bright side! :)

metalprof said:
Come on, people, this is METAL! If you get a few bumps and bruises from falling down a few stairs, you can just go home and tell people about the hellacious mosh pit you were in the middle of! And if you get lucky enough to need a cast after your fall, imagine the street cred you'll have when you tell people it happened stage diving! Look at the bright side! :)


Yeah, lights on the stairs are for pussies. :lol: Seriously though, I'd love to see some sort of reflective tape or something on the stairs. I'm clumsy to start with, plus I'm carrying camera equipment AND wearing heels. But whatever, I can just use a flashlight if there's no tape. I've got like ten of them laying around from my days as a real estate appraiser. LOL.

metalprof said:
Come on, people, this is METAL! If you get a few bumps and bruises from falling down a few stairs, you can just go home and tell people about the hellacious mosh pit you were in the middle of! And if you get lucky enough to need a cast after your fall, imagine the street cred you'll have when you tell people it happened stage diving! Look at the bright side! :)


Thank Gawd someone finally said something before I blew a gasket over this thread!!!!! :lol:

Have been attending shows at Center Stage for nearly 20 years and have never heard so much whining over these stupid stairs, if any, before PP. Deal with it!!! The locals have for this many years, just like we deal with the Masquerade never having any airconditioning!!! :headbang:
I just spoke to the venue. If you guys want to put the tape down, I need three people to show up at the venue on Thursday afternoon around 3pm. Sean can pick the other two to help him. The venue will supply the tape. Ask for Chad Hermanson (manager) and tell him who you are.

Glenn H
Kathy said:
Thank Gawd someone finally said something before I blew a gasket over this thread!!!!! :lol:

Have been attending shows at Center Stage for nearly 20 years and have never heard so much whining over these stupid stairs, if any, before PP. Deal with it!!! The locals have for this many years, just like we deal with the Masquerade never having any airconditioning!!! :headbang:

I semi-agree with you and haven't had any problems with the stairs. However, being local you should know who Ken Nugent is.
Magius said:
I semi-agree with you and haven't had any problems with the stairs. However, being local you should know who Ken Nugent is.


For some reason, I imagine that Ken Nugent is a closet Allman Bros. Band fan. =D
Magius said:
I semi-agree with you and haven't had any problems with the stairs. However, being local you should know who Ken Nugent is.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course I do!!!!!!! I'm a court reporter!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
At first, I was thinking about scrapping our sponsorships, unpacking my pizza crust, and cancelling the entire trip because of those damn stairs. I just couldn't face another year...(sigh)...

And then I realized I was being a pussy...

Never mind...

Rock on!
I brought a flashlight last year and it really helped. I was not going to go tumbling down the stairs 6 months pregnant. I have seen a number of people fall down the stairs in the past 5 years of coming to the show. If you time it wrong and the band's set has really dark lighting it's not fun trying to manuever the stairs. I don't think people are whining about this, I just think different people can't see as well in the dark. I am glad that someone has offered to lay tape down and the venue is nice enough to let some people do so....but I"m still bringing my flashlight just in case!....

-Sheri :cool: