Stanne's growl


Viva Lonliness!
Mar 8, 2002
The Third Place
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I was listening to Haven and Damage Done yesterday when i realized I really miss Stanne's growl from the times of The Gallery and The Mind's I. On Haven and DD they are abscent. I noticed that some songs contain a growl within a word. E.G Cathode Ray Sunshine when he growls out Burn with a longer u, like Buuuuuuuuurn. He does the same thing on Haven and I really miss those old-fashioned screams from Punish my heaven and the first track on The Mind's I (don't remeber it's name).

It would be awesome to hear them again. I like the hellscream the has on I deception, but miss the screams in the intro of songs, which he normally pulls of live

Any comments?
hm seventi your roght with this scream on I,deception,this is something hes hasnt done the last albums,I was really surprised
and it sounds good
I like his vocal performance on DD because he tries to change his voice always( in the limited way of growling),he really sings with this agressive voice and doenst make just some grunts
but his uahhs it seems he will never give up*g*
Don't get me wrong. I really like his growls. They are one of the best and in my opinion he is one of the best singers around. But for example on The wonders at your feet, there is this more modern scream when he growls "alright". I miss the old fashion ones, no words, just a scream or a growl (The Mind's I)
Originally posted by Borknagar121
he is best in DD

I agree!

He is the best vocals in metal bar none!!! I used to think he was better on the earlier albums but I have been playing all of them after another all week and I now prefer the newer vocals. I think he was a little too high pitched on the early albums and I like the deeper sound better. Someone used the word "Dynamic" before and it fits well on DD.

"Fallen I......cling to deception..uhh" <--Yeah, that's what I'm talkin about :)
In earlier production he sounds like "tortured and insane cying helpless man... (on his best)"
And newer: Angry enermous tiger growling hungry.
both are veeeeryyyy good... best death-singer...