Stanne's vocals


Hypocrisy rules!!!!!
Jan 18, 2002
Las Cruces, NM
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Hey folks,
i haven;t posted on here in a while. Thought i would put a good subject out there.
I love Character. Stanne's vocals are the best since The Minds I if you ask me (i do like the clean vocals on Projector though...).
I bring this up because i hope that live, his voice will be as guttural as it is on the Character cd. The Live Damage DVD is good, but Stanne's voice is pretty weak on it. His growls are not very deep and sustained.

what do you guys think? do you think that he can do the low guttural vocals live again? (just listen to that last "apathy" on lost to apathy-that is so guttural).
I think is not that easy to replicate the vocals live exactly how you do em in the studio. Stanne is better than you're average metal singer when it comes to stamina but you gotta remember the human voice is still suceptible all the things the human body is suceptible to: that includes getting tired. Is not easy to growl for over 40 minutes and ive seen millions of singers who get tired and weak on their voice after 2 or 3 songs, specially growlers.
I agree that the vocals on this album are the best I've heard DT recorded, but I have to disagree about the live Damage thing. Stanne sounded mint on that, although it was lost slightly in the production of the main feature on the DVD. On the Athens bootleg clip thingys it sounded almighty.

Can he replicate the Character vocals live? Who knows? It's all good though, because at the decibel level it would be at I don't think it's going to be all that noticeable.
i have heard him singing some character songs at the treviso gig a few days ago..

the vocals don't seem so guttural liv, but very good and strong, though!

anyway it'd be quite impossibile for him to sing the same way as on the cd at every gig... but that's what makes live-events so cool!
His voice has definitely changed but still the way he uses it to pass on the feeling is just amazing.
I loved his guttural vocals on The Gallery and The Mind's I..such a perfect combination of aggression and mildness..they way he sang some words, the intonation of just gives me the creeps! Then came The Projector and ooooh lordy, did that just sound maginificent! His clean vocals were something so immensely PERFECT!!! So deep and full of emotions.. I just can't explain what it means to me to listen to let's say DAY TO END.. The fragile emotion, the carefulness with which he got into every single word... I mean, maybe it's not how he did it.. pronounced every single word with the attention, but I surely connected to songs in that way.

As for the live singing..yeah, I agree, it is different, it has lost on some energy, but still it's way too perfect..

Hehe, I see I've used the word PERFECT many times now.. well, what can I do, when Mikael is a perfect vocalist :)