Your Personal Top-10

You would probably wanna check out under my bed. It's the reduced model of colonization on Mars by bateria. And if you trip over one of the cables, you'll fall on a sharp object, cut yourself and be infected by some unknown disease.
i'm more about psyco stuff, and i actually could keep going forever in both lists!

1. Respect
2. Music
3. Smiling
4. Self expression
5. Friends
6. Self challanges
7. Painting
8. My bungee
9. Freaking out trying to learn another language
10. Killing lambs because i'm GOTH


1. the meaning in the title "instanity's crescendo"
2. the song insanity's crescendo
3. all their songs with a female voice
4. their melodies
5. Niklas's being nice
6. Stanne's drama when he sings
7. Undo Control
8. Being at 30 cm from the stage at their lives
9. Their being nice
10. Their name

I could change my mind in 10 minutes though, but whatever! ^^

Right now bikeriding is number one. I have to think of more though....
MAHUAHUHUAUAUHAUHHUAHUAHUAUAAHUAHAUHAHUAHUAUHUAH a brazilian :°°°°°°°°°°°°D Nobody ever told me this one! And this smilie :°D is awsome! Mahuuha can't quit loughing about the brazilian :°D
Don't be scared though, i may look weird, but i'm way worse ^^
6 said:
:°D looks as if he has a giant (...) tumor on his face.

6 said:
How is muhuahuahua brazilian? And how can UC tell?
Back when i used to visit two or three threads on COB's shit forum, some weird-ass discussion about that started and someone mentioned that to laugh like a brazilian you had to type "mu" and then hit H, U and A as fast as you could, pressing shift randomly for added effect. Hey, don't look at me, i didn't say it.

COB's forum is weird...
Mmauhauahauhauahauha is actually how i type it, but i didn't think about the effect stuff, that's too forward, only brazilian can do it mahuhua
:°D looks as if he has a giant (...) tumor on his face.
you guys are offending my poor smilie face!! the ° is a tear (i guess), for when you lough too hard and your eyes start watering! how could think of a pimple, that's gross :°D
and the loughter is psyco, like ghghghghghghghghgh, i'm such an expert huahu
1- Improv
2- Being silly
3- Beer
4- The Ladies :D
5- Live shows
6- Scrambling words together to make poetry
7- Steak & Kidney pie
8- Mee-youzzic
9- Booze
10- Forcing people to weed