Just thought I'd sum up the cool lil story line in the Clone Wars video game, for those of yu like Star Wars but aren't as nerdy as me and won't be playing the game. I think the cut scenes in this game give us a preview of what we would have been seeing if the Cartoon Network/Lucasfilms "Clone Wars" the animated series had come to fruition (who knows, maybe it will get greenlighted!!) Anyway, the game starts off at the battle of Geonosis. Annakin, Mace, Obi-Wan, and Yoda then proceed to chase Count Dooku across the galaxy. It seems he has this device called the "Dark Reaper" that is a pure Jedi killing machine. Along the way you hook up with wookies, fight on land, air, and sea, and even ride a Bantha. Skywalker is the main butt kicker throughout each battle. With each victory he seems to grow stronger and stronger, like an "immortal" on Highlander, but, he also grows more and more cocky. He is pretty much a complete jerk to Obi-Wan by the end of the game. There is no mention of Padme, beautiful Padma
so I'm wondering where and when she becomes pregnant. It is starting to seem to me that conception of Luke and Leia must occur while Padme and Anni were "honeymooning" and then when Annakin goes of to fight the clone wars, he has no idea she is pregnant. Back to the game. You eventually beat the Dark Reaper. The game is sooooo easy up until the last levels, then is very frustrating. It is like it takes no skill at all to paly 90% of the game, then the last few levels are nearly impossible. But it is still fun, particularly when you have a light saber (sadly, not often enough) but the cust scenes and the story line make it all worth it.