Hey guys,
Currently working on a project with a pretty nice sounding kit, have sampled everything as usual but thought this would be worth chucking up for others to possibly use if they want to. These are my first samples I've uploaded (first I thought could sound good enough to spread around) - so let me know what you think, feedback would be appreciated.
Not heeaps of samples but a decent amount. A little processing has been applied - very mild compression and a touch of EQ to get rid of some problem frequencies. Definitely nothing drastic.
The samples are .tci files for Trigger, 8, 10, 12 and 14" toms. Have a couple of snares from the session too, 14" Tama piccolo and a 12" Pearl Masters, neither of which I have had time to sort out unfortunately. May have time to do so over the next few days.
Samples can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m8mv1sxva379saj/MTE%20Tama%20Starclassic%20Performer%20Birch%20Toms.zip (~40mb).
Some pics from the session:
Currently working on a project with a pretty nice sounding kit, have sampled everything as usual but thought this would be worth chucking up for others to possibly use if they want to. These are my first samples I've uploaded (first I thought could sound good enough to spread around) - so let me know what you think, feedback would be appreciated.
Not heeaps of samples but a decent amount. A little processing has been applied - very mild compression and a touch of EQ to get rid of some problem frequencies. Definitely nothing drastic.
The samples are .tci files for Trigger, 8, 10, 12 and 14" toms. Have a couple of snares from the session too, 14" Tama piccolo and a 12" Pearl Masters, neither of which I have had time to sort out unfortunately. May have time to do so over the next few days.
Samples can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m8mv1sxva379saj/MTE%20Tama%20Starclassic%20Performer%20Birch%20Toms.zip (~40mb).
Some pics from the session: