Starter Kit


Aug 29, 2010
Cambridge, ON.
I want to buy myself a starter drumkit, can anyone out there give me some advice as to what price range I'd be looking at? Or really what is a reasonable price? Where is the best place to get one besides your local music store?
I've been looking on Kijji recently?

I'd reccomend the Pearl sound check 5 piece.

The vocalist in my band got it six months ago because he wanted to start drumming and it sounds pretty good to the ear and hey it comes with some decent cymbals too. Shipping is only 20 extra bucks from musicians friend which aint too bad. Normally I would look at local shops for drums cause shipping can be tough on the wallet, but I dunno what options you have in terms of local music stores.

Basically I think lower end pearl and zildjian stuff is where its at, not always the cheapest but they will last quite awhile and sound good doing so. If thats out of your budget though I would say invest more in cymbals than you do in shells. You can always change/replace the heads on the shells and tune them up but garbage cymbals will always sound like garbage. Hope that helped.

Yeah man 600 is out my price range. I'm more looking at a max of 300.
Not sure if I want to start off with Pearl, since Remo is soo expensive. Pearl would be something I'd look into investing years down the road. Definitely want to stick with zildjian for cymbals, but I can always sell, buy and trade cymbals and shit once I get my starter kit.

I did however happen to come across this nice Pearl kit on Kijiji. I know that a good starter kit needs a 5 piece, so maybe this wouldn't be too bad?

Whatcha think?! ^

Ps. Thanks for the help; much appreciated! :)
Well hey, looks like a sweet deal to me! And I wouldn't say a good starter kit needs to be a five piece. My drummer only uses a four piece (one floor tom, one rackmount tom, snare and bass)and he is at pro level. So for drums I think it really comes down to personal taste. That being said, you haven't started drumming yet so you haven't developed a personal taste, so a five piece is probably a good choice, you can always tweak/add/remove drums later.

Sound Precussion sets are pretty cheap and sound decent, I have one that I mess around on (I'm a bassist/singer) and it sounds fine. I feel like shell quality doesn't really become noticeable until you hit the real expensive stuff. Toms are always just gonna sound like toms and bass drums tend to derive most of their sound from the pedal and the head material anyway. Snares are a little more particular, but again you can always upgrade a snare later.

IMO, just get some cheap name brand shells, as long as they are a real brand they will get the job done and get you on your way. :) That kit on Kijiji seems like a good buy to me though.
I'm a guitarist myself so I know nothing about drums, but am willing to learn :lol:

Toms are always just gonna sound like toms and bass drums tend to derive most of their sound from the pedal and the head material anyway. Snares are a little more particular, but again you can always upgrade a snare later.

I definitely agree! I might message the guy and ask for more pictures; because regardless what he says in the description it would be nice to at least see what the snare looks like up close. A lot of drum sellers have took the time to take multiple pictures of each drum piece separately.

Like this guy wrote a ton of information, but his picture was definitely chosen from the internet. So that doesn’t help buyers.

And then this guy has tons of great clear pictures. And even though his description is short, he does mention about messaging him questions if needed.

I find the more detailed the description is, and the more pictures they have; along with the price they're asking for, it makes buyers more interested compared to other sellers.

I’m also going to talk to the guys at this one music store, since my dad has a great relationship with them. Maybe they can give me a good deal on something. Ugh too many decisions, all too stressful! :lol:
Haha, I think I spend more time thinking about what I should buy then I actually spend playing it once I have it... But yeah definetly message them and ask for more info/pics. If they won't give you more then I would take that as cause for suspicion, whenever I sell gear and people ask for more pictures I always oblige, if the gear is good and in working order there's no reason not to.

Anyways, drums are a lot of fun, I suck at them, but I like ahving them around to trash and relieve some stress so totally a worthwhile purchase. I also use them as a decoy to let bands mess around on so they don't bother me while I'm mixing thier tracks :D

Good luck!
Yeah I have a studio in Washington DC. I lurk in the Sneap sub forum a lot, you can always ask about equipment advice there too, those guys are the most knowledgeable people you will find on these forums when it comes to gear. Have fun with the drums.