state of metal today?


Dec 6, 2005
Question...What is your opinion of the state of metal today? Although probably most of us thought it was cool when we were kids (10-??), Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Megadeth, Anthrax, Testament, and Sepultura were the ONES, ya know? The ones you saw most of Headbangers ball (RIP). I think it is better now. In terms of whats out there, quality I mean. Lamb of God, is killer. Arch Enemy, Hatebreed, Shadows Fall are all at the forefront. There is a new crowd, I always wondered how metal would sound once we "kids" grew up got into bands and became touring musicians. They are all not selling out arena's, as of yet, but the metal is still there. :headbang:
being a loser I have to be the first to reply to my own thread.....

The good thing is, that all our fave bands from 1988 to 1995, are still making albums and touring......:worship:
I'm glad you asked. It gives me a chance to bore more people on my own badly argued opinions.

I've been a metal fan since (roughly) the age of 11. I'm 30 now. I remember the big Thrash explosion back in the day, which was really "my era" the first time around. I have noticed that metal has gone through quite a few evolutionary steps since then.

Currently, metal stands in the balance. I prefer the current crop of bands more than say, a few years ago. I didn't like the "nu" metal and "rap" metal movements at all, but I do like quite a few of the newer bands (I like God Forbid, I quite like Trivium and Killswitch), but the cult of the "trend" is bigger than ever. THis whole nu-emo thing really pisses me off. I turn on the TV , and all I see are wave after wave of indistinguishable crap haired bastards ripping the accessible parts from metal, taking the piss out of it in their ironic t-shirted floppy haired way, and crooning over the top of it. Happily, I think that this current wave of crap is on its way out.

Of course, the problem is that with a wave of popularity in heavier music, you get the scene jumpers and the false-fans. I remember 1994-1997, which were terrible years for metal fans, and fans of underground / extreme metal in particular. I'm a big thrash/death/doom metal fan and a luke-warm black metal fan, and in 1996 or so, death metal was dead in the water (sic). A few of us hung in there, and now death metal is healthy again. I bought all the Anthrax albums in their "falling between record companies" years, and happily they are in rude health again.

My (long winded and drunken) point is that I think that the current good state of metal might be an illusion. What counts in the long term are the long term fans, and only time will tell if they stick with our music after the trend dies down again.
There were more (true to the term) metal bands back in the day then there is now. I may have never got see Led Zeppelin and other great bands but im glad i grew up in the 80s and be a part of this. Times change and they will again. Hopefully 2006 will bring the real metal back, even if the flares come with it. Haha.
I also am 30 and got into metal when I was like 12 so I too have seen the many ups and downs of the scene. i think that there was more of a united scene back then--it didnt matter whether it was thrash, death, etc it was metal and we were all headbangers--now it just seems so fragmented--the scene that is. Musically I prefer the older bands
I love the old stuff to death. Some new stuff out there is GREAT, like Shadows Fall and Mastodon. Im just glad some of the older bands are still putting out quality material.
I HATE most of todays "metal" scene, the newer bands that is.....they all sound the same to me. Bullshot pro tools productions, drumkits sound more like casio drummachines. Hardly any power and speed let alone cool songs.

Of course there's a few good bands but overall I prefer the late 80's and early 90's scene by far!
spacebeer said:
I HATE most of todays "metal" scene, the newer bands that is.....they all sound the same to me. Bullshot pro tools productions, drumkits sound more like casio drummachines. Hardly any power and speed let alone cool songs.

Of course there's a few good bands but overall I prefer the late 80's and early 90's scene by far!

So if Anthrax use equipment newer than from 1991 when they hit the studio again they are no longer TRÜE? Even if Joey? :p

There are up´s and downs in metal. I don´t dwell too much about the "state of metal" there are always something I like. Like in 1995 (when metal was dead), I listened to Head Like A Hole, Fear Factory and Monster Voodoo Machine. Sure there are things I ´never got into like NU, emo or nu-glam (and I´m fucking happy I didn´t).
i understand why the guys in bands i love have such a love for the music they grew up with,i cant really see myself staying current with the metal scene,i really only like a handful of metal bands and i dont think that will change too much,i am already listening to some country,blues and i think i will get deeper into that as time goes by,metal will always be no1 for me pity its quantity and not quality these days.
I honestly don't believe these bands will survive. There's not a lot of substance to the majority of bands. There are so many clone, cookie-cutter bands now...I can't tell one from the next. I hope that melody will return...enough of this ridiculous screamo schreeching. I grew up with the NWOBHM and many of those bands are still kicking. I don't see that happening with the current crop.
Arg_Hamster said:
So if Anthrax use equipment newer than from 1991 when they hit the studio again they are no longer TRÜE? Even if Joey? :p

There are up´s and downs in metal. I don´t dwell too much about the "state of metal" there are always something I like. Like in 1995 (when metal was dead), I listened to Head Like A Hole, Fear Factory and Monster Voodoo Machine. Sure there are things I ´never got into like NU, emo or nu-glam (and I´m fucking happy I didn´t).

That's not what I said.
I agree with alot that has been said. Although I like some of the newer bands, the lack of vocal talent really takes away from the music. I don't mind heavy fast vocals with some screams thrown in but the constant growling/grunting just doesn't cut it for me.

Looks like some of us with similar opinions are in our 30s. I am in my late 30's and have listening to metal since 1982. I'm curious to what some of the younger members think, especially those who didn't grow up during the thrash heyday.

i'm into all sorts, old metal, new metal and all sorts of other music too......... i dont think rock/metal is that much different now to what is was back then, sure the sound is a lot different, but theres always been stacks of metal bands about, some are good some aren't, some will survive, most wont....dont think thats changed at all, just right now the trend is for black wearing screamers, it'll shift again soon enough, the originators remaina nd the copycts look to copy something else........

theres defo more metal stuff goin on today, a lot more in the way of festivals anyway

but yeah i am 30 and a stack load more into singers than screamers, that said i do like that too, but i miss the days whwen dudes could properly sing and didnt mind showing it....... theres still some good vox out there tho, depends what you after ;) must be said tho in the last 5 years i have hardly got into any new bands at i cant think of one right now........oh kings of leon they are under 5 years, there must be others
Panic said:
I agree with alot that has been said. Although I like some of the newer bands, the lack of vocal talent really takes away from the music. I don't mind heavy fast vocals with some screams thrown in but the constant growling/grunting just doesn't cut it for me.

Looks like some of us with similar opinions are in our 30s. I am in my late 30's and have listening to metal since 1982. I'm curious to what some of the younger members think, especially those who didn't grow up during the thrash heyday.

I'm not into cookie monster metal either but I think you would like kill switch engage and seven dust.
whitey131 said:
I'm not into cookie monster metal either but I think you would like kill switch engage and seven dust.

KsE are one of the newer bands I do like. I'll have to check out seven dust. Thanks for the tip.
In my Utopian dream, the rise of file-sharing and musicians "taking back the music" to be delivered on their own terms could only benefit the whole metal scene. Before, the only way for bands to get their music out there were through tape-trading networks (hell-ooooo, Metallica!) and getting signed (meaning they had to play by the rules).

Now, a band can get great word of mouth through indie review sites like the one I just stepped away from, podcasting, websites and indie stores like CDBaby. To play devil's advocate, it does open the door for shit bands to get their stuff out there - but, then again, look at some of the groups that got signed in metal's heyday! I mean, c'mon - Dirty Looks? Electric Boys? Love/Hate? (Sorry if you like any of them - not trying to start a flame war.)

I really think that, assuming Anthrax finishes their contractual obligations with this slew of releases, they could achieve some serious success by pressing an album themselves (pressing an album... Jesus Christ, I'm dating myself...) and selling it through the main website (NOT the CDC). Offer one track to download as a "teaser" to get people interested in the whole disc. They want to do something special for the CDC, make a special version featuring a second disc of "rough" versions of songs, or others that didn't make the cut, and charge an extra five bucks.

So long as the den of vipers that is the music industry doesn't try to kill the whole indie distribution movement (and they're still licking their wounds over the Sony/BMG stupidity), I really think that all music - not just metal - could well be entering a real golden age.
today in my opinion the only real true metal bands worth listening to are:
Lamb of God

Killswitch Engage


All that remains

But they will never compare to the 80's big 4 or 5.
It is cool to see, in general, nost of us share the same view of the scene. Personally, I think the whole "emo-core" crap can be hung out to dry. Or, better yet, take away all their money and take them from their suburbanite homes and drop them off in south central LA or the Bronx or something. Then they will see what it is like to have something to whine about!