State of 'Thrax interview with scott w/ MTV

Scott should call Jeff Waters, he sure has some phone-numbers of good voices...

Randy Rampage would be interesting. Coburn Pharr would fit in as well, I think, but might not be able to sing "Imitation of life", he is a plastic people (says Wiki...) :p

Or ask Jeff himself (just kidding...), could play leads and sing (King of the kill rules!), would even be cheaper to have one guy filling two gaps.
Fuck it, I wasn't gonna say anything, but I'm the new singer. It seems that Anthrax wanting to stay current, were looking for a female singer with jet black hair. We just weren't supposed to announce it until my current CD "Tits Full of Metal" had been released by Nuclear Blast.
So i emailed Joey Vera about John Bush being 'done with the music life' according to Charlie. Joey said 'Well he’s not into it right now. But I wouldn’t say forever.'
Scott should call Jeff Waters, he sure has some phone-numbers of good voices....

And to Fuelee, I still wouldn't count on John coming back. It would be cool as long as their new stuff is thrashy, but like I said... I'm not counting on it.