Steel Prophet news.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Hi Everyone,
Just a little update on what's going on here. First and foremost the band is working on the first songs for what will be a new album sometime down the road. Drum tracks are done for two songs and the final guitars, vocals and any other instruments will be done shortly. Rick would like me to write the lyrics for these first two and I have a couple good ideas for these.

The line up for the band is now:

Rick Mythiasin - vox
Horacio Colmenares - guitar
Steve Kachinsky - guitar
Vince Dennis - bass
Gene McEwen - drums

You may notice this is almost the same line up as "The Goddess Principle" and "Continuum" discs. Horacio was and still is the point man for New Eden another progressive metal band.

Our web page doesn't get updated frequently, but that is because our Myspace web page is much more important to us at the moment. It hosts some video content and a much better selection of photographs in addition to some audio content that we feel is a good sampling from the band. It is a much more interactive site than this one and fans leave comments and directly email the band. I recommend you visit us there. The address is:

Also, we have been fielding several offers from various European festival promoters and while we haven't accepted any yet, there is a chance one or two will tickle our fancy for the 2008 season, and we may yet see you live. That's it for now. Peace, love and metal harmony...

Damn great news for me, I can't wait
Thats GREAT news!! I love Steel Prophet!! :) Perhaps they will play Keep It True in November? If so, I'll be there. Its been since 2000 I believe since I last saw them live.
Too little too late don't you think?
With all the egos in these bands that never really broke, like Vicious Rumors and Leatherwolf, it's bound to end soner rather than later...

A profetizar malas nuevas a otro lado! :heh: I prefer to believe they have outgrown their differences and this will last at least for another album, it's an itch a need to scratch badly.

NP: Jezabel -'Sin Miedo'