Steinberg Virtual Bassist


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Wondering if any of you folks have had any experience with Steinberg's Virtual Bassist? I can't seem to work out whether it simply supplies you with a selection of premade grooves and licks, and you only specify the key they're played in, or whether it actually lets you program in your own bass lines.

Any ideas?
Well you'd think so, but the big emphasis on all of Steinberg's descriptions of the product talks about their 'vast library of grooves' of all styles that can be transposed to any key, so I'm really starting to wonder just exactly how much versatility you get with programming.

But I do agree, it would be very idiotic if you couldn't program them. I'd just like to be sure.
Nuk3m said:
Buy a bass....?

I TOTALLY agree!!!

Buy an average bass, a Bass Pod (or a Behringer Bass V-amp, if your budget is too low) and problem solved!!! Why do a lot of people make things complicated (and even Avril Lavigne say this... ...go figure...) :D .
I completely agree. Even a cheap bass and a V-Amp would sound better than a fake one. On that note, I'm selling a Bass V-Amp Pro in excellent condition, anyone interested? :D
You could probably pickup a sansamp bass driver for under $125(US) used rather than going the POD/vamp route. I love that thing. Sorry if I'm cock-blocking your sales pitch Ex.
I've had good experience using Kontakt and some bass sample libraries actually. In fact, there is no real bass on the BACKMASK demo at all, since we fired our bassist and are in the process of getting a new one.

That being said, I really want to get a bass soon... would be a lot easier to just play my parts rather than program them.
I'm really impressed with HardCore Bass XP. The samples on the site didn't do it justice.
I really like so far but I haven't spent a great deal of time with it. You can get it much cheaper if you can somehow do an academic purchase.

That's the only sample I have currently on my home computer from a film project. I used HCBXP for the low rumbling bass line in the background. Not a great example but a real world example.

I'm headed to the studio tonight. I'll try to whip something up for you and post it tomorrw.
G'day Moon,

Give me the tunes, I'll play the bass for you, alternatively theres a load of awesome bass players in Melbourne, it worth getting a live person to knock out the tunes.
Buying a bass would be kinda cool and useful...but I'm still not good enough with guitar. Don't want to distract myself by playing bass right now, can be annoying how shit programmed bass can be though. But hey, you're good at guitar Moonlapse, maybe you'd be good at bass.