Stephen King fans. Any Keene fans?


Nov 29, 2004
I'm more of a lurker here than anything but I just had a question. Most Anthrax fans dig Kings books but do any of you read Brian Keene? They call this guy the next King and his books speak for themselves.

Plus he's a huge Anthrax fan. I read one of his blogs last year about his retelling of being up front at the Anthrax reunion show in Baltimore. And I just saw on his message board a pic of his new publicity photo he'll be using and he's wearing an Anthrax sweat shirt. :rock:

Anyways, I read The Rising and City of the Dead, zombie novels, and they kick mucho ass. Conqueror Worms was a great story too. And his new book, Ghoul, coming out at the end of the month is supposed to be his best yet.
I love Stephen King's work, if this guy's on the same level, I'll give him a shot.
No problem. I hope you dig his stuff. Everyone I know that's tried him continues to read his stuff. So that's something. And not to look like a spammer or anything but heres some links for ya.

Brian Keene

The Rising and City of the Dead books are towards the bottom but you can order them at any bookstore if they dont have em in stock.
Brian Keene: Bookstore

Here's that new publicity photo he said he just took. Guessing it will be on the back of future books.
Always nice to see someone showing the Thrax some love!
Gonna check this out!
I agree man. I love seeing people supporting Anthrax. I've read everything by Brian Keene and only a few more weeks til his book Ghoul comes out. I can't wait. :zombie:
i tried to read rising but i just couldn't do it. he is not nearly on the same level as king. the dialogue was pretty painful and the characterization was horrible. and those are the two things king excells at and also happen to be what makes a book for me.
no offense to you though pal ;)
i tried to read rising but i just couldn't do it. he is not nearly on the same level as king. the dialogue was pretty painful and the characterization was horrible. and those are the two things king excells at and also happen to be what makes a book for me.
no offense to you though pal ;)

None taken, man. To each his own, plus it's nice just to hear that people still actually read. I dug the Rising myself but wouldn't put it on the same par as some of Kings good novels like Salems' Lot and such. I thought it was a lot better than Cell though. And I dug Keene's new spin on zombies.

Plus that was Keenes very first novel. He's written quite a few since then and has grown as a writer. One of the main reasons I read him is I dig his characterization and he can tell a good story.

And I'm sure even Brian Keene would say he's not on the same level as King as well. I've just seen a lot of people that dig King also dig Keene. :kickass:
cell was amazing to me. it was the only zombie book i ever enjoyed. sometimes i'll pick up a book a second time and actually enjoy it and finish it. i still have it so i'll give it another chance. And if he's getting better then the sequel should be better too so we'll see i guess.
Anyways, I read The Rising and City of the Dead, zombie novels, and they kick mucho ass. Conqueror Worms was a great story too. And his new book, Ghoul, coming out at the end of the month is supposed to be his best yet.

Just got 'The Rising' yesterday. Can you tell me if it's part of a sequel, trilogy before I get too involved? Thanx.
Shit ya, Spidey counts. heh.

And there's a sequel to the Rising, called City of the Dead. But that's it. No trilogy. And there won't be a 3rd book either.

He does have a totally different zombie novel called Dead Sea that comes out this August. With your more traditional Romero zombies.

Ghoul is showing up in stores now even though the release date is Feb 1st. Gonna try and pick one up this week.

And fucking Long Walk is one of my favorite King stories. I'm gonna have to re read that soon. :rock:
Har! You know I think I read somewhere that King is going to or is already in the process of writing another Bachman story.

I'll buy that for a dollar!
