Stereo crosstalk?

Kaleb Formz

Aug 27, 2013
Hey so with Sonimus comin out with briston I saw it said it had "Optional stereo crosstalk which lends a sense of depth and three-dimensionality to your mixes"

I read what I could find on google about headphones but I'm wondering it's application in the console emu plugin world. Not sure if they're the same or what it's doing exactly.

I'm also curious where you'd apply this- some buses, every bus, master bus, individual stereo tracks? mono IDK I'm not sure where or why I'd use it?

I know hear it out etc. but Id really love to know everything I can.
I don't know what the plugin is doing or what the goal is. On an analog console crosstalk is the bleeding of the signal from one channel onto an adjacent channel bc of inductance. Lots of crosstalk is the hallmark of a poorly designed console or one in need of service. I've honestly never heard it considered a positive but that doesn't mean it couldn't be.