Stereo Problems


Feb 24, 2013
On my most recent mix, I noticed that when played in my car, the stereo image was much narrower than what it seemed when I was mixing/mastering, but when I try to widen it, things start to become negatively effected (for example, my hard panned guitars start to disappear, and everything in the middle, as a results, seems much louder).

Anybody have any ideas for a nice, wide image without anything being lost in the mix?
I use a stereo widener on my mastering chain, you could try that. Just work around and play around with your settings till you get that perfect sound.
I've been doing that, but it's been resulting in my guitars almost vanishing from the mix, like they're being pushed completely out of the song. Perhaps I just haven't set it to the right setting yet though. I'll keep trying to find the right spot.
Definitely pushing it too far can make it sound like they're vanishing, and too little can make them sound very close together. I suppose you just need to find the right spot for your mixes.
Be very careful when using a stereo widener, read up on what you are actually doing to your mix! This will explain the vanishing instruments!
Yeah, I wouldn't put a stereo widener on a master bus for the life of me, i heard bulb talk about trying to widen his guitars to leave more space in the center but I dont even think normal composition would require that... but periphery can have a shit ton of stuff going on and there arrangements can get busy at times. Try using a stereo imaging plugin to monitor what's going on with your stereo image and if your having phasing issues.
The entire interview is actually quite interesting but there's the link where he talks about stereo widening. Hope it's somewhat useful :)

0:52 ///
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Dave's tutorials for Reason was the first experience I ever had making digital music. Everything he does is actually pretty sick. Stereo Wideners seem to have a strong opinion on both sides for whether or not to use them. I personally use them, but I'm not saying everyone should. It just seems to work for me.
Yeah, Dave is pretty awesome (his cover of gentleman, "djentleman" lol is one of my personal favorites) but back on the topic, whatever works for you man! if sonic production was a science then this site would be a wiki (which at times it seems, in a good way) and not a forum for sharing and discussion... now if it's not working, try something else.