Panning Problems

Jan [MTW]

Aug 26, 2010
When I started programming the drums for the band I am mixing at the moment
I didn't have enough outs in Kontakt to put every cymbal on its own channel. So I had to put them all on one single stereo out. (<-- only as side info)

After some time I noticed that every cymbal is in the center, but I just can't get them panned. When I pan them in Kontakt they sound really weird and not right at all. And when I pan them in Reaper all cymbals get panned together.

The cymbals I am talking about are the "Truth Custom Emerald Cymbals" I just bought.

Adive would be very nice! :notworthy
If you wanted to have every cymbal on it's own output in kontakt you could just load up another one and have all the shells on one track and all the cymbals on another?
I would do that. But my PC is lagging fucking hard with only one kontakt opened already, because I have a lots of tracks with lots of effects loaded. (4x Vocal-tracks, 8x Gangshouts, 6xGuitars, 2xBass, 2xRefx Nexus, 8x SSD-tracks,)
And I have lots of plugins on the masterbus, too.

So that would be the last thing I'd try. :goggly:
haha true, didn't think of that. 8 gang vocal tracks, wow.

i don't have the cymbal packs so i can't really offer any valuble information here, im sure someone will know whats up soon though!

and if it comes to it... load up the cymbal midi in a new session and get it right then bounce out the audio. pain in the ass i know but if you cant get it right by more desirable means...
If you wanted to have every cymbal on it's own output in kontakt you could just load up another one and have all the shells on one track and all the cymbals on another?

And are your cymbals routed (within Kontakt) to different MIDI notes? It sounds like some cymbals are sharing the same MIDI note, so when its programmed to 1 cymbal it actually plays all cymbals using that MIDI note.
No. Every Cymbal has a different midi note. :P
It looks like I have to make a new project, open up a kontakt player only for the cymbals and extract every cymbal... :Puke:
Jan [MTW];9804113 said:
I would do that. But my PC is lagging fucking hard with only one kontakt opened already, because I have a lots of tracks with lots of effects loaded. (4x Vocal-tracks, 8x Gangshouts, 6xGuitars, 2xBass, 2xRefx Nexus, 8x SSD-tracks,)
And I have lots of plugins on the masterbus, too.

So that would be the last thing I'd try. :goggly:


Print the drum sounds and mix them as if you had recorded mics. Print your guitar and bass sounds (and keep the DI's saved elsewhere). Then it's minimal plugins on separate tracks and CPU heaven :Saint:
Yeah. As I said in my post before : I'll print the Cymbals. But i won't print guitars or the rest of the drums since I still do little changes.