Stereotypes of Video gamers


May 12, 2009

I am currently conducting a research study which compares and contrasts the “stereotypical” gamer with reality. There have been numerous studies throughout the years comparing the habits and lifestyles of average gamers with average non-gamers, however, there has been limited research that compares the lifestyles of the avid gamer to the public perception of them.

As such, this study has two goals:

1. Quantify what the “stereotypical” avid video game player

2. determine if the public’s perception of avid gamers aligns with reality

A key part of my research will stem from this survey.

So, if anyone would like to help out, I would greatly appreciate it if you take 5-10 minutes of your time to fill out this survey.

Also, if you have any friends or family(particularly those who don't play a lot of games) who you think would be willing to fill this thing out, it would help out a LOT if you could pass this link along to them.

Thank you,


If you have any questions/comments, post them here or email me at
Filled it out, hope it helps. One a side note, is 7 hours per week really classed as an avid gamer? I know I've made it to 20+ hours in a week because it was the week following exams and I was chilling to the max with little else to do. I consider that a lot, but I know people who put that figure to shame.

In the average week I play about an hour per day at night to chill after I'm done with my Uni work for the day. Team Fortress 2 is my usual game.
I filled it out as a non-gamer myself. I used to be a "semi-gamer" shall I say :p haha. I probably play games like 30 minutes a week these days... IF EVEN!!! Usually no game time. :/ I used to play like 10-15 hours a week though.
That's semi-gamer? O_O

It's not that much if you think about it. Roughly 1 1/2 to to hours a day... i mean for a homeschooler its not a lot... haha!

Nowadays I dont do like ANY gaming?!?! Idk why...:):Smug: