Steve Evetts guitar tone

I've been on a total Steve Evetts binge lately...

I've been really into his mixes and have a hard time figuring out what exactly he does to achieve this kind of tone... It's like honky almost but in a good way and it sounds fucking awesome. Been trying to wrap my head around it.

Examples would be Architects The Here And Now or Our Last Night's The Ghosts Among Us...

The recent Architects video shows a Blackstar and/or Orange heads being used and articles have said he's a big fan of Chandler pre's and other vintage outboard gear. I figured it may be a combination of dynamic/ribbon up close, the dynamic for lowmids- having a gradual shelf on the high end and then maybe a ribbon for the upper mids and smooth highs and I'm guessing automates a condenser he may have had placed a few feet in his room... Boost pedal on a low gain setting and no mids being scooped?:err: No idea about the guitar build/pickup or cab/speaker and how that would play

I have no idea

This is all off of assumption though since I have none of those resources to play with. But I'd figure that would be my general approach to achieve that sound.

Any of you guys that dig his sound? I'm hoping a few seniors on here with experience with vintage gear or information on Steve or with general knowledge of getting in that ballpark would chime in. That would be awesome.

Cory- that's exactly what I'm thinking. His kick drum has a really natural splat and the rest of the kit sounds great- and from what I saw was that his live room isn't even that large...

Wish I could see what he does to sound like that. It's fun to listen to his work at quiet/moderate volumes with nice phones and hear all the little things he adds and automates that add up to a great sounding album. He's got great ideas- we should try and find out more info.
Evetts is one of the most underrated, amazing modern producers of our time for sure.
Really sorry i dont have any info and my post is the least helpful but i wanted to thank you since i havent heard of him and the bands !
gonna check youtube see if i can find anything though i know the quality is not that great but if ill like the music it would be great getting some new cds cause man i camt tell how how tired i am of mine :S need some new shit!
Really sorry i dont have any info and my post is the least helpful but i wanted to thank you since i havent heard of him and the bands !
gonna check youtube see if i can find anything though i know the quality is not that great but if ill like the music it would be great getting some new cds cause man i camt tell how how tired i am of mine :S need some new shit!

There's his discog is you want to browse through most of the reputable stuff he's taken part of.
ahhhhh I love Steve Evetts I'm so glad this is a thread. I was just searching the other day to find out more shit about him.. and all i found was that he seems to like blackstar and bogner amps (what i've seen in a few studio diaries from bands), on the suicide silence album (black crown) they were using a triple recto to track (zuess mixed so who knows what the final amp was), he seems to really like having a guitar amp with like 5 pedals in front of it and when he was younger he had very scary hair.

Architects - The Here And Now is for sure underrated, everybody who loved hollow crown obviously hated it because it was very different and they thought the band sold out.. obviously they didn't know the band well enough. The entire album sounds fucking incredible you can listen at low volume and still feels huge + his singing is sooo good on it, in the studio diary he is convincing the singer that a lot of people use an sm7b exclusively Michael Jackson. Seriously though why does everybody hate on this album? It's not dead crown get over it and give it an honest listen!
Jesus christ. I love this dude's vibe. It's seriously so nice to hear after listening to so much Sturgis work. Sturgis does amazing work, but to get a break from everything being perfect to a grid and having the "warm" vibe is sweet. The Our Last Night album reminds me a lot of underoath's define the great line sonically....except better sounding guitars.
WISH I knew. Steve Evetts' stuff sounds incredible. It sounds natural but still has a HUGE, larger-than-life vibe, especially his drums.

Drums on the new Suicide Silence album, the Black Crown, sound fantastic. I recommend to check them out.