Steve Jobs

Aug 14, 2008
It doesn't matter whether or not you are/were an apple fanboy, you pretty much wouldn't be on your computer right now if it wasn't for him, period. Computers were inaccessible business tools before the Apple II came along , giving everyone something they can use. The Macintosh pushed the envelope even further.

It took you 31 years to get me to like apple, but you won in the end, despite what people said about this past keynote.

The world lost a visionary, a man who made us jump into a new age of technology. Imagine what hee could've done in another 15, 20 years.

RIP Steve Jobs.

To say this guy was a visionary and genius, as Apple said in its statement, is an understatement. The world lost an icon yesterday.

His speech at Stanford (graduation) was memorable. I have that saved on my laptop and read it every time I need a bit of motivation. It always works.
It doesn't matter whether or not you are/were an apple fanboy, you pretty much wouldn't be on your computer right now if it wasn't for him, period. Computers were inaccessible business tools before the Apple II came along , giving everyone something they can use. The Macintosh pushed the envelope even further.


Yeah, what he said, RIP Steve, you will be missed alot.
One of the best speeches I have heard. Though I didn't like the Apple product (proprietary products piss me off. I mean come on, why can't you let me put a replacement battery in my 3 year old iPod?). Steve was a great innovator and a great human being. He will be truly missed. May God rest your soul Steve.

I'm gonna pull a hipster and say that I liked Apple before liking Apple was cool.

This was the computer my dad bought for me, in the 5th grade:


I used it every hour I was home, until I knew every inch of it. I became a nerd on that computer. Other internet nerds called my computer lame. They said it was dumb to own an Apple, because no games came on it! They were partially right, but I still played WC2 on dialup! I still learned oldschool HTML and made many web pages full of bright neon colors and gifs!

Those were the 90's. A Mac shaped my childhood, and then my life.
I'm gonna pull a hipster and say that I liked Apple before liking Apple was cool.

Not to "one up" you, but....:heh:

I have a MacPlus, an Apple Lisa, PowerMac 7100 (all bought new), and recently sold my Apple IIe. I also worked on NeXTStep for about 6 years as a software engineer and SysAdmin (NeXTStep is Apple based Mac OS X on).

I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Jobs do a presentation (back in the NeXT days) to a group of about 30 of us. Trust me. The "Reality Distortion Field" was real. His exuberance, passion, and confidence in his products was SOOO contagious. Of course, it helps that the products were great, too.

So sad that someone so brilliant was cut down so young.

R.I.P., Steve. You'll be missed.

And now I was informed via Facebook that the Westboro Baptist Church wackos are staging a protest for his funeral. These people are nucking futs.

Keep in mind that they posted their intentions to twitter.

With an iPhone.

Which they then claimed was made by God for that purpose, not steve jobs.

I don't believe these people are as delusional as they claim to be, I think they're IRL Anonymous, trolling us harder than anyone ever thought possible.... either that, or they know what they're doing and uniting everyone in love against them and sacrificing themselves for what they believe to be a good cause, nevermind how twisted it is.
The bad thing about it is they are giving christianity a bad rap. As a christian myself, I take offense at these people. Their acts are in no way showing love and compassion for their fellow man. Non-believers or not. What ever their faith, a family should be allowed to bury their kin in peace.
The bad thing about it is they are giving christianity a bad rap..

Don't worry. Anyone with a brain in his head knows that these people are not Christian. Christians, by definition, worship and follow the teachings of Christ. They claim to worship Christ, but they definitely aren't following his teachings. They're likeley a bunch of trolls who are using all of this publicity toward something else entirely.
The bad thing about it is they are giving christianity a bad rap.

Agree with Nina. No they're not. They're so fringe they may as well not even exist. As someone who is very, very not christian, I can assure you these guys don't even register when I go through the list of why not.

However, back on topic, I'm kind of shocked to see a lot of hate around the web for the sadness people are experiencing for SJ's death. I mean, like the guy or not, he was clearly brilliant and, IMO, definitely forced technology to leap forward, even if he DID allow apple to become a giant patent troll.
What I found most touching were the Syrians, who mourned Steve Jobs because he's an example of the kind of genius they could produce if only they were allowed such freedom. Steve Jobs' father was from Syria.

Story Here

Jobs was actually adopted. Another example of how far we can go, if only given the chance.
It's actually funny how few people realize that most of the scientific genius in the world actually came from Arabic nations. 2/3rds of the stars in our galaxy have Arabic names, algebra is an Arabic word, etc, but once overly religious dogmatism begins to hold sway, things change, and now the Arab world is a crazy place. Makes you think what would happen if the WBC had greater control in this country...