Steve Jobs

I'm not going to de-rail this thread and do injustice to a dude I respected for many years. I'm just going to instead say: lol nope.

Some cool apple stories posted here. Come at this thread with more! What's your favorite apple product, did you meet Steve Jobs ever?
Not a Steve Jobs fan, but recognize what he did for the industry.

If you read this forum from your HOME computer - thank Steve Jobs (and Steve Wozniak). They saw the potential for marketing a HOME computer in an age where computers were not yet in homes.

The Apple II was the start of it all. The IBM PC didn't come out for a couple of years later. Though the PC helped home computers become mainstream, the Apple (Lisa, Mac, etc.) helped make it easy for people to use.

However, IMHO I'll be more unhappy when Linus Torvalds passes away than Steve Jobs.

(I'll leave it up to the geeks to chime in on Linus' contributions to computers)
My first internet-capable home 'puter (via telnet) was an Atari 800. Not sure if it came out before Apple IIe's or II+'s, though.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs. Love him, hate him or indifferent to him, there's NO excuse for being taken from us that early.
I'm not going to de-rail this thread and do injustice to a dude I respected for many years. I'm just going to instead say: lol nope.

Um... WBC did stand for Westboro Baptist Church, right? >_> If not, I guess I was mistaken, but I imagine a world run by them would be fairly anarchist in nature, what with their making up new rules every 15 minutes.
Some cool apple stories posted here. Come at this thread with more! What's your favorite apple product, did you meet Steve Jobs ever?

I don't have any cool Apple stories nor was I able to meet Steve Jobs. But, I will recognize his genius. The iPad, iPod and iPhone were great inventions and took this country in a new technological direction. My beef with Apple is that as a consumer, I feel taken advantage of. These products are great ideas, but they seem to have been limited on purpose. Apple is an elitist product and there are better (more improved) products out there. BUT I stand and recognize that without the genius of Steve Jobs, those products would not have arrived when they did.

R.I.P. Mr. Jobs and Thank You.