Steve Morse's Tumeni Notes

I hated Stressfest first! But after some hours practice each day I finally did it. I also learned Steve Morse´s Picking etude. Over two minutes alternate picking in this crazy tempo was a test of endurance.

I´m a big fan of Steve Morse and I don´t think, it´s simply jerk off material. Learning this shit is a nice challenge for every guitarist. I know a lot people bashing gods like Morse, because they know, they are reaching their performance limit. That hurts ;)
I´m a big fan of Steve Morse and I don´t think, it´s simply jerk off material. Learning this shit is a nice challenge for every guitarist. I know a lot people bashing gods like Morse, because they know, they are reaching their performance limit. That hurts ;)

I'll refute that. :lol:

But seriously, it is guitar music for guitarists, the appeal ends there - other guitarists go "wow he's good" and the world continues to rotate, for me it doesn't spell out anything other than technical proficiency, but then again, that's just me, I can't see anyone enjoying this that isn't a guitarist or a musician obsessed with the technical.

A+ for effort, everything else is just meh.
Öwen;8908520 said:
I'll refute that. :lol:

But seriously, it is guitar music for guitarists, the appeal ends there - other guitarists go "wow he's good" and the world continues to rotate, for me it doesn't spell out anything other than technical proficiency, but then again, that's just me, I can't see anyone enjoying this that isn't a guitarist or a musician obsessed with the technical.

A+ for effort, everything else is just meh.

I respect your opinion, dude. I personally love the technical aspect, when it´s linked with some sense of melody. But we all know, Morse isn´t just a scale whanker :)
Öwen;8908394 said:
Uh, ok... whatever you say. :rolleyes:
yep.... because "whatever i say", is just as valid as "whatever you say" here on the magical interwebz.

I respect your opinion, dude. I personally love the technical aspect, when it´s linked with some sense of melody. But we all know, Morse isn´t just a scale whanker :)
Owen... no, he doesn't really respect your opinion... "i respect your opinion" is politically correct code for "your opinion is dumb". anytime anyone says that to anyone, that's what they are really thinking. live long enough, and you'll learn that about people. i mean, c'mon.. what do people who say "i respect your opinion" go on to do immediately after saying that? yeah... they continue to tell you why you're wrong. and you are wrong... i've met many non-musicians who love The Dregs, Dixie Dregs, and Steve Morse... i always meet quite a few every time i go to one of their concerts.... but yeah, it's not popular enough for you i guess, right? hey... HEY!!... it's just my opinion, so you MUST RESPECT IT!! :lol:

Öwen;8908520 said: is guitar music for guitarists, the appeal ends there - other guitarists go "wow he's good" and the world continues to rotate, for me it doesn't spell out anything other than technical proficiency, but then again, that's just me, I can't see anyone enjoying this that isn't a guitarist or a musician obsessed with the technical. A+ for effort, everything else is just meh.
in your opinion, sure... but your opinion is dumb, and i don't respect it. :p

yep.... because "whatever i say", is just as valid as "whatever you say" here on the magical interwebz.

Owen... no, he doesn't really respect your opinion... "i respect your opinion" is politically correct code for "your opinion is dumb". anytime anyone says that to anyone, that's what they are really thinking. live long enough, and you'll learn that about people. i mean, c'mon.. what do people who say "i respect your opinion" go on to do immediately after saying that? yeah... they continue to tell you why you're wrong. and you are wrong... i've met many non-musicians who love The Dregs, Dixie Dregs, and Steve Morse... i always meet quite a few every time i go to one of their concerts.... but yeah, it's not popular enough for you i guess, right? hey... HEY!!... it's just my opinion, so you MUST RESPECT IT!! :lol:

in your opinion, sure... but your opinion is dumb, and i don't respect it. :p

I wasn't referring to the man's entire catalogue of work and you know that.

As far as this whole inane exchange goes:

Contentious statement > Attempted bitchout > Retaliatory attempted bitchout > Attempted humour upper handed response > Attempted sarcastic ignorance portraying response > Counter sarcastic response > Whatever the fuck I say next response.

Here's whatever the fuck I say next:

and yet you keep replying....

so analytical too... love the "flow-chart" approach. here's mine:

[FLOWCHART]you being dumb > me being an asshole > you being a dick > me realizing that dicks are dangerous to assholes and thus clenching mine shut super-tight > you acting nonchalant about that > me deciding to just be a bigger dick than you > you making a flow-chart > me making a flow-chart > Steve Morse still kicking more ass with his stellar music career, spanning his stints with The Dixie Dregs, Kansas, Deep Purple, and as solo act, than most other musicians in the world could ever hope to one day kick.[/FLOWCHART]
> Murph sucks more Steve Morse dick than he ever could hope to do again in one night.

so analytical too... love the "flow-chart" approach.

Thanks, remind me again, how many levels have we got to go before both parties end up laughing at the whole backwards and stubborn situation?

yep.... because "whatever i say", is just as valid as "whatever you say" here on the magical interwebz.

Owen... no, he doesn't really respect your opinion... "i respect your opinion" is politically correct code for "your opinion is dumb". anytime anyone says that to anyone, that's what they are really thinking.

not to take this out of context or whatever, but i always got the impression felix was the rare breed of person that actually respects people's opnions and doesn't just say it.

or maybe i just judged him totally wrong, but i dunno, there's the odd person you meet where you do feel like they're genuinely cool with anything in that sorta way. yknow?
not to take this out of context or whatever, but i always got the impression felix was the rare breed of person that actually respects people's opnions and doesn't just say it.

or maybe i just judged him totally wrong, but i dunno, there's the odd person you meet where you do feel like they're genuinely cool with anything in that sorta way. yknow?

Haha thanks Gareth :kickass: I appreciate your words!

I often had this kind of discussions..(mostly about Petrucci) The result of the discussions I had, was that the ones who bashed a guitarist with great technical skills, were pretty frustrated about their own playing. But basically it couldn´t be easier. Either people like it or not, each for their fucking own, but staying respectful about efforts/skills of other guys is appropriate.