Steve sighting?


New Metal Member
Jan 10, 2003
chandler, az
I was back home for x-mas to visit family (Pittsburg,Ca) and I could've sworn I walked right past Steve in the Antioch mall at Gotchalks (or whatever that place is called) on x-mas eve. It didn't even dawn on me until later on in the day. Anyway it reminded me of old school days, so I popped "Swallowed in Black" in the deck, and did a search, and found this bb. So here I am.......... the kid :rock:
Yep, I was with my wife, mother, sister and strolling my son when you and your daughter walked by us. I was the shorthaired dude wearing a white longsleeve with "lost" in graffitti on the front and a blue "Independant" cap on. I believe you were on your way out. Anyway, not to sound like a fan boy but it made my day, plus you just won me $20 and a case of beer, my friends thought I was full of shit. :cool:
Wasn't that you Steve, stading in the controll room at Nu-Tone executing some killer bass patterns and licks for the Vintersorg album, this was like in March or something????...hehehehehehe

mr V