Steve Unruh & Spreading Music on the Net


Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
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Hello, people

I'm here again to tell you about this american guy who's posted some of his music on the net, for free. His name is Steve Unruh, and I'm really impressed by his music. It's some kind of acoustic-folk-progressive that sounds fresh and mature at the same time. Thought you might like it.

You can dload a six songs based CD at the maximum quality, covers included, in his personal web site. Check it out:

When I found out about Steve, I quickly decided to buy some of his albums. That led me to another question that's been bothering me for some time now: I buy everything I really like, I understand it as an act of faith and support towards the artist(s), something to pay them back for the good feelings their music provide. Sometimes all those advertisments about how piracy damages the companies really hurt me, since it's like being threaten despite of my good will.

So I thought: is it just me or the companies seem to complain just about the money they DON'T get, and not about the money they ACTUALLY LOSE? I think they perceive the very same amount, and papers like this one seem to support my theory:

So, what do you think?

|ngenius said:
Hello, people

I'm here again to tell you about this american guy who's posted some of his music on the net, for free. His name is Steve Unruh, and I'm really impressed by his music. It's some kind of acoustic-folk-progressive that sounds fresh and mature at the same time. Thought you might like it.

You can dload a six songs based CD at the maximum quality, covers included, in his personal web site. Check it out:

When I found out about Steve, I quickly decided to buy some of his albums. That led me to another question that's been bothering me for some time now: I buy everything I really like, I understand it as an act of faith and support towards the artist(s), something to pay them back for the good feelings their music provide. Sometimes all those advertisments about how piracy damages the companies really hurt me, since it's like being threaten despite of my good will.

So I thought: is it just me or the companies seem to complain just about the money they DON'T get, and not about the money they ACTUALLY LOSE? I think they perceive the very same amount, and papers like this one seem to support my theory:

So, what do you think?


Wow! This is awesome stuff man! Thank you very much for posting this link!

I am now an official fan of Progressive Folk-Rock :Spin:

I just started listening to the first song so I will get back to you on the rest, but this is awesome stuff!

Thanks Again. :wave:
|ngenius said:
Great, thank you for giving it a chance. Looking forward to hearing your comments and opinions, guys. ;)


Well I listened to the entire sampler CD and I was really impressed. This guy is extremely talented and when I found out he played all of the instruments I was just shocked! The last track "Breaking Free" was probably one of my favorites, from the intro to the end I thought it was brilliantly composed. Amazing how guys like this remain unheard of amongst the general public. Now I am debating which of his albums I should get, or I may just get them all! Thanks again for posting about this man!

This guy is great.

Thanks for this Ing.

Very cool stuff, I dig it.

|ngenius said:
Hello, people

I'm here again to tell you about this american guy who's posted some of his music on the net, for free. His name is Steve Unruh, and I'm really impressed by his music. It's some kind of acoustic-folk-progressive that sounds fresh and mature at the same time. Thought you might like it.

You can dload a six songs based CD at the maximum quality, covers included, in his personal web site. Check it out:

When I found out about Steve, I quickly decided to buy some of his albums. That led me to another question that's been bothering me for some time now: I buy everything I really like, I understand it as an act of faith and support towards the artist(s), something to pay them back for the good feelings their music provide. Sometimes all those advertisments about how piracy damages the companies really hurt me, since it's like being threaten despite of my good will.

So I thought: is it just me or the companies seem to complain just about the money they DON'T get, and not about the money they ACTUALLY LOSE? I think they perceive the very same amount, and papers like this one seem to support my theory:

So, what do you think?
