Steven Slate Drums, Bouncing Separate Tracks


Mar 27, 2009
Hey Guys,

Just got SSD 3.5 installed, and I'm having amazing results with it. So far I've just been programming midi drums in guitar pro, importing it, and using SSD as a virtual instrument.

I really want to be able to use separate plugins on each part of the kit and eq each the kick/snare/toms samples accordingly. In order to do this, I obviously need separate tracks. Is there any way I can bounce my single midi track [with SSD Virtual Instrument] to individual audio tracks for each part of the kit and, then edit each independently of the others?

I'm currently running Sonar 7 Producer edition
Instead of inserting Kontakt on an audio track, go Insert -> Soft Synths -> Kontakt

Then you have to choose a few options, I forget now I'll post later. Then that makes a whole bunch of audio tracks, each one separate. Then you go into Kontakt and you can choose all the outs, so you can have whatever directed to whatever. Every cymbal on a separate audio track, or all the cymbals to one, etc. No need to bounce. Only problem is to get to the Kontakt Player you have to go to the Synth Rack because there's no audio track specifically with Kontakt on it.

edit: This is on Sonar, btw. I'm running v8.3 but it should be the same. I spent the first week or so with one Kontakt plugin for drums, one for cymbals and one for room and had one very slow computer :p
Morgan C,

I've been using Kontakt as a soft synth. Just importing midi drum tracks onto a soft synth track and putting Kontakt on it. I'm just hoping to be able to bounce or convert these to normal audio tracks as if each piece of the kit was recorded with separate mics just like when tracking real drums.
I know, tihs lets you edit the tracks without bouncing. Assuming your computer can handle it. If not, you should bea ble to bounce each track a lot easier than going to Kontakt and soloing various instruments and bouncing that way.

Ok what you do is:

Start with a blank project. DON"T right click on audio1 and go soft synths -> vstplugins -> kontakt.
1) Insert -> Soft Synths -> vstplugins -> Kontakt3
a menu will come up.
2) Tick 'All Synth Audio Outputs: Stereo'. Leave Display Automation On: 'First Synth Audio Track'
3) Press OK.
it should create a bunch of audio tracks. You will need to create a MIDI track
4) With each audio track, you should see its input as being 'Kontakt 3 1 KT. KickL/Kt. Kick R: Stereo', etc.
5) Go to Kontakt Player, click on Show Outputs (second button, looks like a bunch of faders)
6) Go to Conf. down the bottom of each fader. If you press Conf. on the Snare drum, do this:
7) Ch#01: Kt. Snare [1] -- plugin out #3 (should have been Kick before), and Ch#02 to snare [2].
Now whatever audio track has an input of 'Kontakt 3 1 Kt. Snare L/Kt. Snare R: Stereo', anything that you put through this fader will go to this audio track. Then you can do whatever to it. So adjust your outputs in Kontakt so that the Snare goes to the snare, then do whatever. I usually have a kick, snare, toms, cymbals and room fader, but you can do whatever you want.

If you then want to bounce them all, you should be able to export ecah track individually.

Yeah, I suck at explainining this, oh well.
In Cubase you can do this pretty easily, at least I think so. Import the MIDI track, enable the Kontakt player as your VST intrument and on mine it automatically adds a bunch of channels attached to the Kontakt player. the first 2 (at least, but I think 4) are labelled as different kontakt player outputs, with the full kit coming through on the first...But, you can assign specific drums to each of the seperate unassigned outputs/tracks as well. You can apply your plugins on those seperate tracks. Pretty easy.