Steven Slate Drumsq


Oct 10, 2007
Ok, I'm going to preface this by declaring how much of a cheap arse I am.

I lurk here constantly and always see you wonderful people referring to using this SSD sample or that (usually kick/snare). Am I missing something where I can get hold of just kicks/a kick or snares/a snare? Or do I have to put hand in pocket to buy the whole platinum affair for (on the face of it) only wanting a few samples.

*I'm not suggesting anyone send me it or piracy by anystretch so don't give birth*

:D Be great if there are just some individual sample packs that I'm too thick to find.
Ok, I'm going to preface this by declaring how much of a cheap arse I am.

I lurk here constantly and always see you wonderful people referring to using this SSD sample or that (usually kick/snare). Am I missing something where I can get hold of just kicks/a kick or snares/a snare? Or do I have to put hand in pocket to buy the whole platinum affair for (on the face of it) only wanting a few samples.

*I'm not suggesting anyone send me it or piracy by anystretch so don't give birth*

:D Be great if there are just some individual sample packs that I'm too thick to find.

no there aren't any individual sample packs but you can get trigger ex on sale right now for $79 which is a steal
yes I know but he was asking specifically about if Slate offered smaller packs or not ... not once did he say anything along the lines of "or any other sample packs I might want to check out"

See? I thought about it :p

again though, I wasn't trying to stir anything up or get anyone's neck hair up. Just seemed a little out of place given what the OP had asked about
While I thank you all for the input, Skinny is actually correct, I was after information if slate samples/drums/packs were available individually :D

Thanks for clearing that up though guys, no hostility required:Shedevil:
I bought the LSD samples and I love them. Slate is awesome too though. Steven Slate's website had a deal going where you buy the EX for $159 and get 2 expansions for the price of one with it.
"And if you don't own TRIGGER, you can purchase it with these great new features for $50 less than the usual price! For TRIGGER PLATINUM enter coupon code "midi" and for TRIGGER EX, enter coupon code "midiex". Make sure to use all lower case characters! Go the slate digital online shop at"

From the email I got from Slate... it was from March 23 so this deal might not be good anymore idk
i was totally not joking... what's not to get about that...Slate doesn't sell what the kid is looking for, he doesn't wanna buy Trigger, and Joey sells drums for $5 a pop... and let's fucking face it if he wants snare12a, Joey made a god damn replica, it's the same frackin thing... Joey's albums are the whole reason there's even a dogpile for kick10 and snare12a to begin with, so in MY opinion, when you get down to it, that's exactly what the kid was looking for. YMMV, DGAF, HMU.