Steven Slate + guitar pro...


Nov 29, 2005
Hi guys.

Not sure if this has been asked before but it's bugging he hell out of me.

i've written some drums on Guitar pro, imported the midi into my DAW (cubase) and loadd steven slate. one song i did was fine, i adjusted the snare levels a bit but it sounded good, next song, did the same thing, adjusted the snare, but half way through the song the volume went back to 0? i'm assuming some midi note triggered it to do that? but it's beyond me!
can anyone shead any light?


Guitar Pro writes some strange volume, pan and velocity information / automation to MIDI tracks. In Logic, it always pans the Channel 1 +26 right and makes it +6db :lol:
Don't know the solution for Cubase, but in Logic you can delete the information in the Hyper-Editor (which contains information for volume,pan,modulation,pitch bend, etc. for MIDI tracks)
It's SysEx information that gets embedded into the midi file, I'm not sure about Cubase but when it happens in Sonar (ALWAYS from guitar pro files exported to midi) you have to go into the Piano roll view and open the controller lanes and delete all that stuff.