Steven Wilson Solo album!!!

To each his own, man, but I dig FOABP. Not my favorite PT record, but still vastly superior to approximately 99.997% of anything else out there.

FOABP, Nil Recurring, and In Absentia are my favorite PT releases. I think FoaBP beats all of the rest though... to each their own.
Basically. I'm assuming he's trying to make something nice, something really physical and collectable for the hardcore Wilson fan. You can't torrent beautiful packaging - but beautiful packaging isn't worth the 80whatever dollars for the average SW fan.

Yeah, it's probably only worth it to the mouth-breathers like me! lol

Ultimately, it's up to the individual whether it's worth it or not, although I'll admit I'm thinking the pricing may be somewhat ego-driven. We'll see, though, and I'm expecting an awful lot for my 80 bucks. Rest assured I'll be bitching loudly if my boy Steve doesn't deliver. Judging from the clips though, I'm confident it's gonna be pretty sweet.

I actually have found something that Steven's done that I absolutely hated, though. I ordered Continuum 2 and was a bit unprepared for an hour of droning noise wrapped in a cool package for my $25. I've forced myself to listen to it three times and I still just don't get it, and I smoke some really good weed, too!
One time I smoked some really good weed while watching The Wall and I realized much of it syncs up perfectly with the Pink Floyd album of the same name.

Anyway I would only cough up that much money if I thought someone was like, musically infallible. Åkerfeldt is musically infallible. I consider PT among my absolute favorite bands, but SW can sometimes overproduce something without too much substance. You can't cut/polish shit and make it beautiful. I'm sure he'll deliver on this though. The previews sound good, very good.
Just watched the 2nd trailer, I just listened to the audio last time as I had something going in another tab and :lol: at SW shooting the Ipods, the wiki entry confirms the continuation of the foabp theme. Please no xbox is a god to me type cheese.
Just watched the 2nd trailer, I just listened to the audio last time as I had something going in another tab and :lol: at SW shooting the Ipods, the wiki entry confirms the continuation of the foabp theme. Please no xbox is a god to me type cheese.

Yeah, but I'll take all the god-like grooves of Anesthetize he can dish out! :kickass:
Anesthetize is a pretty good song. Just this topic needs to be put to rest not continued imo. I mean shooting Ipods lol that's a little odd. I get the metaphor he is drawing on, it's just "xbox is a god to me" = :erk:. I even agree with most of his points he just appears to be going about it in a strange way. Obviously looking forward to it, just concerned the album will be let down by cheesy lyrics. Time will tell. Speaking of FFS it's under a month before release, should be any day now.
Jeezus man, why all the butthurt? Nice paroxysm btw, hope you didn't blow any blood vessels you may actually need later!

Now to the... "points" buried under all that frothy bluster. You seem to be implying that one guy releasing one special edition of a solo project that comes with far more elaborate and expensive packaging than any regular cd, that requires more expensive international shipping and insurance rates is somehow going to set a precedent that is going to suddenly send the entire music industry careening into the realm where every cd that is released is now going to cost 80 bucks, is that it? Fascinating...

Paranoid much?! :zombie:

As for your concerns for the quality of the record, taste is entirely subjective, but there are a whole helluva lot of people who would disagree quite strongly with your assessment of Deadwing as "average", and who would take FOABP any day over Signify. Something else I find interesting is that in spite of your eagerness to berate and bitch about everything from Steven Wilson's "whining" to his now boring thematic concepts (especially ironic, given the subject matter of the record) to, according to your own logic, his apparent evil conspiracy to personally bankrupt the entire music-buying world, you still say you might consider buying the "jewell [sic] case edition"! Way to show him what you're made of you little freedom fighter, you!

Well Che, it's been fun, but I really should let you get back to the Revolution now, so...

I do have to admit Roadking, that's an excellent rebuttal. You do raise many good points. And as you say, musical opinion is simply subjective. I do not want to debate this issue with you or anyone, for these types of threads always descend into pointless squabbling I am not "paranoid" about the contemporary music business, just stating a possible scenario. I do appreciate Mr. Wilson's work, and if some would take "Signify" over FOAB well, it's subjective, according to me and you. So, let's move on. For the guy who is correcting my grammar, shouldn't you concern yourself with the content of the post? I didn't realize we had English "police" on this forum. And I haven't burst any blood vessels, man. You'll be happy to know, I'm still breathing. Peace.:heh: I exist on the outer fringe's of this banal society and I never had much faith in our culture, that's what predicated my initial post.
Anesthetize is a pretty good song. Just this topic needs to be put to rest not continued imo. I mean shooting Ipods lol that's a little odd. I get the metaphor he is drawing on, it's just "xbox is a god to me" = :erk:. I even agree with most of his points he just appears to be going about it in a strange way. Obviously looking forward to it, just concerned the album will be let down by cheesy lyrics. Time will tell. Speaking of FFS it's under a month before release, should be any day now.

I find it ironic that he shoots the iPods considering that the layering in Steven's music needs headphones, IMO, to be fully enjoyed. Plus, that's how most people enjoy Steven's music now.
Pre-rdered the vinyl version...i'm a sucker for beautifully packaged, collectable vinyl, and I don't buy cds anymore (despite owning about 2000 of the things). I'll download it when it leaks for day to day mp3 player listening, and have the vinyl version for goodness. Not too bothered about the cost, you get what you pay for. What pisses me off much more is the likes of itunes charging 99c per song, which is incredibly bad value for money imo. It's not like SW is only releasing Insurgentes in these formats, you'll be able to buy the regular cd eventually anyway. Nobody's forcing anyone to pay $80 or whatever to hear their music, so I don't understand all the moaning.
yea i guess, hes such a self-righteous girl


One helluva talented one, though! :headbang:

That's the ironic thing, though, and the reason why I don't understand why the general release date is so far from the LE date. It's a bad business move if you ask me, and one that's pretty much guaranteed to have an adverse effect on the sales of the general release.

What the fuck do I know though, right? Just another schmuck bitching on a message board...