Steven Wilson Solo album!!!

okay, i've listened enough to the album to tell that this IS something special, and absolutely a grower eventhough it instantly blew me away...
Every single song stand strongly out on their own, there is so much to find in this album to amaze you again and again...
No twilight within the courts of the sun...omfg, what an atmosphere and imaginery, and as someone mentioned: significant other, so dreamy...this album is something i will keep listening to for quite a while i dare to predict.
This will definitely be in my top 3 from this year. The only track I don't like is No Twilight Within the Courts of the Sun, the rest is great.
its a very ordinary album to me. i dont mind it but i dont like it. it sounds like something id put on in the background but not ever pay much serious attention to. the only song that stands out is collecting space.
i like it, has a few tracks that remind me of scott walkers later stuff with all the sudden bursts of noise and stuff.
The album is awesome.
'nuff said

I wonder if SW will ever release a bad album. (except for On the sunday of Life...)
The album is awesome.
'nuff said

I wonder if SW will ever release a bad album. (except for On the sunday of Life...)

He has.

Check out Continuum sometime if you don't believe me. Even I couldn't smoke enough weed to make that hour of atonal, droning, groove-bereft noise interesting.
^ heh, I like the Bass Communion albums, but I didn't listened to Continuum, so I guess I have to check them out
He has.

Check out Continuum sometime if you don't believe me. Even I couldn't smoke enough weed to make that hour of atonal, droning, groove-bereft noise interesting.
not to mention fear of a blank planet
not to mention fear of a blank planet

this is a controversial point and a discussion for itself, so I'll leave it.

I listened to Insurgentes once more on a really good stero speaker setup. This is pure awesomeness.
not to mention fear of a blank planet

I checked that one out, and it pwns your ipod!

Besides, not everybody can come up with such deep, thought provoking and TOTALLY original, un-cringeworthy lyrics like...

Necromancers united aeons ago
Their magic powers to enchant the place
This forest was possessed by the night's spell
For all times and for every race

And every mortal who stepped at this soil
Was catched by forces infernal
To end his life in eternity
In forgotten spells in forests nocturnal

Who fucking wrote that, Gary Gygax?! Do you listen to this while wearing your +2 cloak of invisibility, or your +1 chainmail of celibacy?!

that could easily be something by Varg Vikernes from Burzum

I mean he wrote songs about Orks and shit