StevenSlate Sample... Question...


Jun 17, 2008
Hello there.. well i just got my steven slate samples on the mail and i had a question regarding the usage of the samples...

okay well my main purpose for using drums samples is to mix my drums with trigger samples... now i already have Drumagog.. do i just use the gog samples and no need of the SSDplayer... or does the SSD player trigger the sound.. like do i just insert it as a plug in to each track... or whats the main purpose of the SSD player..
Well it seems that right now im only going to use the samples to replace my drums.. but i cant find to seem to find all the other drum sets... for example where can i find the metal dream kit so i can use with drumagog... ?

It only shows up in the SSD player, but not when i search for the file in drumagog
drumagog doesn't load whole drumkits, it loads individual samples. If you want to recreate drumkits, load the midi player, find the kit pieces in each kit, and use them in live drum replacement use.