Steves body building thread.


They All Knew Golgotha...
Feb 20, 2004
This is where you can put pics of yourself, or those of you who workout/exercize.

Put your stats, weight, and height. and at least one pic.

My stats.
5'8 1/3
180 pounds
Been working out and exercizing every day for at least 30 mins.
After school i do my exercizes 7 days a week so i can get bigger.
Right now i'm trying to gain size rather than muscle, i drink Creatine before each workout,and after i drink Soy protein, i used to drink Whey but i wanna try out Soy for once.

Leg press: 650 pounds X5
Arm curl:35 pounds X20 (my left arm is very weak do to my dislocation crap)
Bench press: 250 (been on 250 for months, hard to gain)
Crunches: 100
Pushups: 40

pic of me

Hopefully some of you will post in here, :)
That's about the funniest stuff ever.

fotmbm said:
That's about the funniest stuff ever.



Don't be a prick.
If people want to say shit about this, keep it to yourselves, this is for people who actually care about themselves and want to improve themselves..
The best place to get nutritional supplements is ebay, only reason why is it's hella cheaper.... you can get a fucking 5lb jug of Whey protein for bout 25$ when in stores the shit goes up to 70$+. I'm buying protein bars since they have more calcium in them.
hypocrisy86 said:
Right now i'm trying to gain size rather than muscle, i drink Creatine before each workout,and after i drink Soy protein, i used to drink Whey but i wanna try out Soy for once.
Hey man, Stick with the Whey, it is a more complete protein, and contains the amino acids your body needs to new build muscle. And with the Creatine, that is good for spurts of energy, but while some claim it gives you 'size gains', it's only your muscles becoming bloated from the collection of water. Which is fine if you want that kind of look. Personally, I'd rather be cut as opposed to bubbly. Also you should look into L-Glutamine as well.

My stats:
Lift: Every day, on A-B schedule
Bench:150lbs 36x
Bicep curls:45lbs 36x
Leg curls:70lbs 32x
Push ups: 65-75 (depends where in the set I do them)

(I know I posted this pic of my wife and I in the pic's thread, but it's all I have at the moment.)
chris-o-fer said:
Hey man, Stick with the Whey, it is a more complete protein, and contains the amino acids your body needs to new build muscle. And with the Creatine, that is good for spurts of energy, but while some claim it gives you 'size gains', it's only your muscles becoming bloated from the collection of water. Which is fine if you want that kind of look. Personally, I'd rather be cut as opposed to bubbly. Also you should look into L-Glutamine as well.

My stats:
Lift: Every day, on A-B schedule
Bench:150lbs 36x
Bicep curls:45lbs 36x
Leg curls:70lbs 32x
Push ups: 65-75 (depends where in the set I do them)

(I know I posted this pic of my wife and I in the pic's thread, but it's all I have at the moment.)

Nice Stats Chris!

I'm on the Bodybuilding forums for Davin R. professional Body builder..
he also told me to stick with whey, and not take so much creatine..
but i wanted to try out Soy to see what happens if there's any difference..
I don't go to a gym untill my birthday when i can afford a full membership..
The one i'm going to is called The Spectrum theres three different types, a 41$ a month, 51$ and 70$ a month, the 41 is small, 51 is decent and the 70 one is huge that one is based on a ranch out here. it has a resturant, salon etc more needless shit.. all i need is the weight room.. And i'm okay
I hope more people put up they're stats too!
(exellent place to count your daily intakes, keeps all your records, and you can customize any food.)
(a great place to find a target muscle, or get a descriptions on any muscle, or exersize.)
Bodybuilding for you
(gives information, and descriptions of suppliments)

These are only a couple, but the ones I use the most frequently. Hope these help! :)
hypocrisy86 said:
Right now i'm trying to gain size rather than muscle, i drink Creatine before each workout,and after i drink Soy protein, i used to drink Whey but i wanna try out Soy for once.
here´s a natural drink I take before I go to bed (and it actually works prety well)

in the mixer you put
4 egg whites (protein)
1 banana
2.5 dl milk
some ice cream of taste, like 3 or 4 big spoons

ante said:
here´s a natural drink I take before I go to bed (and it actually works prety well)

in the mixer you put
4 egg whites (protein)
1 banana
2.5 dl milk
some ice cream of taste, like 3 or 4 big spoons


Nice, i'll try it out.
I don't know about that creatine shit. I was taking it for a while and then I got these fucking stretch marks. I had to quit taking it and going to the gym for awhile due to moving overseas and things seemed to stop. Then in Korea I was taking it again and stretch marks came again. I would advise against it but I'm not a professional so whatever. It's just I never had the things until I started working out with creatine.
nataservant said:
I don't know about that creatine shit. I was taking it for a while and then I got these fucking stretch marks. I had to quit taking it and going to the gym for awhile due to moving overseas and things seemed to stop. Then in Korea I was taking it again and stretch marks came again. I would advise against it but I'm not a professional so whatever. It's just I never had the things until I started working out with creatine.

For that not to happen you need to do it correctly, eh, creatine does do that to make you arms and all bigger, yea i know it will make you're arms bubbly like chris said, but you don't keep taking it, stop when you as big as you want, then start working out drinking/eating whey protein.. that's what i do, i gotta thing of creatine and soy protein, i shoulda got whey but i wanted to try out soy.. and only do an exercize on each body part every other day not to overtrain.
Thing is I didn't use it all that long, I just noticed that shit happening when I was on it, when I got off the creatine about a year ago shit started to clear back up. Maybe I just had a bad reaction to it.
Yea probably, i have some stetch marks but nothing bad.

sometimes creatine can be bad, depends on the person.
you did not get stretch marks as a side effect to creatine.

you got stretch marks because your muscles grew, and you have sensitive skin...

all creatine does, is add extra creatine to your muscles, which allows them to grow bigger because they retain more water, and it also gives you atp (energy in your cells), for faster growth.

i have that problem too. what happens is our skin is literally stretching, but for some reason, genetics left us with skin that doesnt stretch so easily, so we get em. thats all. the only thing you can do to avoid it is to build slowly, or put vitamin e on em after they appear. (also, if you exfoliate the area before putting on vitamin e it works great, because first off, your taking off the top layers of the stretch mark, then your putting in vitamin e and since its raw (not completely raw, just the top layer off really) it heals it much better.)

as for me...

6'4" 280

max bench - 315 (stuck there forever haha)
max curl - 150
max squat - 275 (i dont do squats that much, i hate the workout, its bad i know so i force it)
push ups - never go past 50, if i had to, id imagine something close to 100 (just guessing cause 50 isnt that hard for me)

whey protein
soy protein
go lean meal replacements
ripped fuel

dont have a pic, but im workin on gettin some pics haha.
Sex Machine said:
you did not get stretch marks as a side effect to creatine.

you got stretch marks because your muscles grew, and you have sensitive skin...

all creatine does, is add extra creatine to your muscles, which allows them to grow bigger because they retain more water, and it also gives you atp (energy in your cells), for faster growth.

i have that problem too. what happens is our skin is literally stretching, but for some reason, genetics left us with skin that doesnt stretch so easily, so we get em. thats all. the only thing you can do to avoid it is to build slowly, or put vitamin e on em after they appear. (also, if you exfoliate the area before putting on vitamin e it works great, because first off, your taking off the top layers of the stretch mark, then your putting in vitamin e and since its raw (not completely raw, just the top layer off really) it heals it much better.)

as for me...

6'4" 280

max bench - 315 (stuck there forever haha)
max curl - 150
max squat - 275 (i dont do squats that much, i hate the workout, its bad i know so i force it)
push ups - never go past 50, if i had to, id imagine something close to 100 (just guessing cause 50 isnt that hard for me)

whey protein
soy protein
go lean meal replacements
ripped fuel

dont have a pic, but im workin on gettin some pics haha.

Kool, nice stats
Try getting a pic soon.
hypocrisy86 said:

Don't be a prick.
If people want to say shit about this, keep it to yourselves, this is for people who actually care about themselves and want to improve themselves..
I must admit though this thread kinda made me giggle a bit :D