Steves body building thread.

machine said:
come on down then....

a tip:

introduce yourself in one of those "Hi, I'm new here" threads...

SoT are always keen to welcome new members.

but you better be fucked up or else after 48 hours you turn into a christian.

Haha, I'd love to see someone actually post a "Hi, I'm new" thread in SOT :lol: :lol:
Wadda fuck is SOT?...

Sorry i took my meds awhile ago and i'm just all. space... happy space :)
SoT = Seriously off-topic bro'.

It's hidden in the dark depths of the bottom of the UM community front page.

You scroll down...

and down....

and down..

and in the small dark writing just after maidendownunder.
I can't find it...

MY computer got fried from a lightning bolt, now i'm on my parents pc

Link me to the board.
for all you bodybuilders...

recommend me some supplements. ive run out and i wanna try some new stuff.

already taking:
ripped fuel

would like to take(but dont really know if they work or not):
cell tech
nitro tech

so if you know anything about those i want to take, or know some others that are really good, help me out
190 lbs
16 1/2 inch arms
bench: 335
squat: 365 (meh)
deadlift: I don't max out on deadlifts




Sex Machine said:
would like to take(but dont really know if they work or not):
cell tech
nitro tech

so if you know anything about those i want to take, or know some others that are really good, help me out

you cant go wrong with hydroxy-cuts.. especially a month before a competition.

also, if you're in a associaition which frowns on drug-use, then take a course of herbal diaretics about 3-4 days before the comp.. this will dry you out completely.

3 days out from the comp limit yourself to 1 litre of water per day and eat as little as possible.

To bring out the cuts and abs before the competition, gulp down a large cup of STRONG BLACK coffee and down a couple of slices of cheesy pizza (not joking!)

The coffee will bring up the cuts and the pizza will fill the abdominals and make the six-pack more noticeable.

hope they help. :wave:
hypocrisy86 said:
Wow now i know how ignorant people can get.
To the fact you avoided what i said and said it like a pissed off pre-teen
Just fucking great i leave a forum because of people like that, to go to one with more people with the same attitude. Dandy..

hey i take great care of my body,

1, fried brekki

2, lots of coffee


4,chips and gravy

5,chocci bar

6,large roast dinner

7,bag of crisps

8, 2 toast with jam

9, orange juice, :grin: there now do yeh weights and turn all that shit into pure muscle :dopey:
Sex Machine said:
for all you bodybuilders...

recommend me some supplements. ive run out and i wanna try some new stuff.

already taking:
ripped fuel

would like to take(but dont really know if they work or not):
cell tech
nitro tech

so if you know anything about those i want to take, or know some others that are really good, help me out
Done take Cell Tech, Nitro Tech, and Hydroxycut, or any Muscletech products for that matter. Muscletech products are way overpriced, and don't work any better than other similar products that are almost half the price. Instead of Cell Tech, take IDS Creatine Titrate. It is very effective, and will not bloat you up like all the creatine monohydrate products will. Instead of Nitro Tech, get a regular quality whey powder, such as Optimum Nutrition's 100% whey. Immediately after a workout, have a bunch of dextrose with your whey, to replenish your glycogen stores, and create an insulin spike to drive the protein into your muscles. Instread of Hydroxycut, take Xenidrine, or some other cheaper thermogenic. Unfortunately, they do not make any of the with ephidrine anymore. ECA was a good, effective stack. You may want to consider prohormones, if you are over 21 and willing to take the risk. There is actually a legal steroid that you can order, or buy in hardcore supplement stores, called 1-test. I've never tried 1-test myself, but I have heard that 1-test products are quite effective. You should join this message board: You can really learn a lot on there, and ask any kind of questions you may have about training, supplements, steroids, or nutrition.
just a thought... it's cool to see so many other people are health-oriented people around here. and unfortunately life sucks is right, there's alot of over priced crap out there on the market because people buy it, but once you weed through the mound there are plenty of things out there that can benefit your gains.
Sorry i've been gone
I'm going to a new gym tomorrow, i got prepared bought a 5lb thing of creatine, 8 33ounce propel waters 30 Protein bars..
heh i love wholesale..
Cheap shit! oh buying bars on ebay is actually a no-no, alll of them are expired by at least 5 months.. i found out before i made a bid...

On another note, just for info
I gained over 50 pounds since i was 14 due to medication, then i started working out
Yea Geodon and Effexor XR will fuck you up physically...Also Davin from his forum.. also
He's a professional body builder.. he told me it's my arms, cus i'm double jointed, and it's alot harder for me to gain..tomorrow i'm gonna write something to make it more understandable.. well i gotta go. peace
Life Sucks said:
190 lbs
16 1/2 inch arms
bench: 335
squat: 365 (meh)
deadlift: I don't max out on deadlifts





That candid shot of your arm looks familiar..
oh btw nice stats, damn dude keep it up..
I went through the bodybuilding forum couple times