Still leaked...


New Metal Member
May 16, 2006
i couldn't believe my eyes last night.:OMG:
The new album "Still" is available on the net. already.

curious as i am i couldn't help myself downloading it and i must say it's their best album! the songs are great, the production is just the best!!! you wolverine-fans will not be disappointed! :headbang:

and remember: Wolverine ain't no Madonna, Metallica or Red hot chili peppers. Buy the album when it's released!!!
I'll not be downloading it before release. I've done that before and it just takes all the fun out of getting a new album. I want to wait for release, get the cd, be able to look at the packaging and notes and everything, and it will be more special. :)
That's really bad news. I would expect it to be available for download once it's been released but that it leaked over a month in advance is really troublesome.

The band probably won't make any money from the album anyway (the truth is we've always paid more than what we've earned on every album) but I just think that a label that gives us, a small and unknown band, a chance to release our music deserve respect and should not have to lose more money than necessary. Let's face it, no matter how great the album is it won't sell near what for example Opeth sells.

For Candlelight and us to continue working together we need to sell as many copies of the album as possible. I honestly think it sucks that someone would make it available already now. In some way I could understand it if it was a Metallica album or something in that size which will sell a few million copies anyway but when it comes to small and unknown bands that really need to sell every album possible in order to even continue recording music I have no understanding whatsoever for people who put it out on the internet.

I don't want to come off sunding like Lars Ulrich but I just hope you see my point of view.

On a positive note, Im glad that you, Sir_Leigh, like the album. I do to and I agree with you that it's our best so far. :) Thanks for buying the album once it's out!

Take care!
first i hope i didn't make this matter any worse by writing here on the forum. that i made everyone go out seeking Still.:ill: i agree with you Domine when you say things like these hurt 'smaller' artists more than like Metallica but i was just overwhelmed by the album and had to write about it!

i hope Still will go platinum around the world and many world tours will follow!

pardon my Swenglish
I admit that I grabbed it, but Stefan knows that i'm a real customer of the band's music.

Liar On the Mount will get those bloody bastard neocons in a tizzy.

Meanwhile, I enjoy this album a lot. Could use more cowbell :p as always. I'd call it the link between Window Purpose and Green Carnation's recent acoustic album?
Kinda miss Lobsterboy's amateur attempts at deathvox.

and oh yeah, Would love a duet with Jemina on here
I won't delete this thread out of principle since I think this should be a board where people can speak their minds without being censored in any way. Of course all within reason. However, I'll talk to the label today and if they want us to delete this thread and any future threads about "Still" being illegally available on the internet I'll do so out of respect for them. Just so you know what happened if you can't find this thread later today.

However, I'm very happy that the two I know have downloaded the album so far enjoys it and will buy it once it's out. After all, listening to an album like this without having the lyrics available is kind of like watching a movie with muted sound (or, if you will, listening to a movie without picture... he, he...). To me, the lyrics and the music of an album should go hand in and. As a whole it has a chance of a much greater impact than any of the two by themselves. At least that's my humble opinion.

Anyway, to anyone who reads this thread, I can only ask you not to download the album. We're not commercially a big band and we really need to sell every copy we can in order to continue releasing music. Buy it once it's out and get the lyrics and the artwork that the music belongs to. I guarantee you that the experience of listening to it the first time that way will have a much greater impact on you because that's how it was meant to be experienced.

I... Couldn't resist myself... err... :)

Still, after a lot of spinning (listening) is simply put, awesome. 9/10 for me.
I agree Domine about the lyrics part, I'm anxiously waiting for them!

I also agree that it's best to get the "whole packge", that is, tracks+lyrics+cover, for a greater experience but, ...

Us humans are weak, whe you see the album online you just have an urge to download it, even if you know you're going to buy it on spot the moment it is released (which I will, like I did with the previous 2 releases!).

I wish this album (and Wolverine) commercial success, it totally deserves it.
I have resisted and will continue resisting till the release. With Wolverine I've always found my appreciation of their music has increased much more once I've read the lyrics.

I'm not trying to take the moral high ground or anything, I have dowloaded albums before the release date on many occasions, but I've started making myself wait recently as I realised it does just take the fun out of getting a new album. The Gathering for example, I heard 'Home' before the release, and by the time I bought the album I'd listened to it loads (because it is bloody awesome, may I just comment) and getting the cd was just an anticlimax. I want at least one album to really look forward to this year, and 'Still' is the one!
I agree with you Stefan, even though I want the album right now, I can't stand to see that it's on the net already. One can only hope that the love what they hear and rushes to the store and buy a bunch of copys.

I hade the advantage of listening to Still on our way from Düsseldorf to Baarlo last fall. I can't say i remember every song from the album. But I liked what I heard. Even though Marcus was rehearseing in the car and hotel room :p
I might be able to restrain myself from downloading this album, even if I think this might be one of the best albums Wolverine ever recorded.
All creds to the band. Keep it up.
well, i heard the album.....and its excelent

first, i need to say that i am from Argentina and of course the release date never will come here, then i have no choice

The album: there are too many sweet melodies, and i like this.....i cannot stop singing the songs "Taste of Sand" (a great ballad :cry: ) and "And She Slowly Dies" you have 2 hits

i recognize some influences of Porcupine Tree ("Sleepy Town") and Anathema ("Taste of Sand" and others)

my favourite songs are the last tracks on the album: "This Cold Heart of Mine" and "And She Slowly Dies"

finally i want to say: Congratulations!!!! Great Job!!!
I'm dying to hear it... already has "Still" listed so I ordered it... let's see when they ship it out... :p

well, I just have to try to keep my shorts on :)
Well, Stefan might not say anything but I will ;-)

I still can't believe people download from the internet. Whilst there are so many issues the one thing that sticks in my mind is that generally the album's available as mp3 which is anywhere from 1/10 to 1/20 the sound quality of the full disc. With all the digital technology that goes into an album today how anybody can listen to an album with that much compression taking place is just beyond me. There's absolutely no dynamics.

As for people being weak - that is the most piss-weak answer I've ever heard. Stand up - have some morals and values. And for the people who say "I downloaded it but I'll buy it," as much as you think you're doing Wolverine a favour how many other band forum websites do you trawl on and say exactly the same thing (or refrain from actually saying anything)? And how many bands do you download but don't purchase?

As for Still - I have it as a promo CD and I'm on my second listen now. I own a lot of albums and listen to music constantly and I know this is a long-term winner. Congratulations gentlemen.

I was incredibly lucky to attend ProgPower Europe in 2005 and was totally blown away by Wolverine. I always enjoyed their albums but to see them play live actually brought me closer to their other material.


Hi, guys, mind if I argue a bit? :p

First of all, let's not exaggerate things. Most of the concurent compression formats are able to achieve transparent compression in not too big bitrates. This means that the compressed files have no artifacts and deliver quite good sound quality. And to really appreciate the difference between original files and compressed ones you need a quite expensive hardware, with 90% of the general public still listening to their home hi-fis or their pc speakers that difference in the textures of the sound is hardly perceptible.

Then, we get to the moral side of things. I agree if you can afford all the albums you listen to, you should buy them. But if you don't? A single original CD here in Bulgaria costs more than my monthly scholarship I receive at school. So, how can I buy all the albums I want to listen to? Shortly - I don't buy them all, I buy one and download the others. Personnaly, I think that music is an art, and nothing should stop me from appreciating it. Also, we might say something about availability. When I heard Cold Light of Monday, I went to all the record stores around here and asked about it. Most of them hadn't even heard of Wolverine to begin with. And those are the stores that are supposed to have all the non-commercial (if I can put it that way) music. There was only one store that had imported ONE copy of the album, and had already sold it. I had to bug two record stores to import another copy, and had to wait about six months, because one of the distributors wasn't serious enough.

Also, mp3s are not the big bad monster you describe. Actually, if it weren't for them, a lot of artists probably wouldn't get that popularity the tend to enjoy now. And I'm not talking about the big fishes in the game, I'm also talking about the guys that are in the beginnings of their careers. Wolverine get more exposure thanks to the internet and mp3s. I'm a proof of this. If I hadn't download CLoM, I wouldn't have bought it. Saying that mp3s are harmfull is only seeing one side of things, and that's not fair.

That's all for now. Hope I'm not offending someone, I just thought that there should be another point of view.

Hi all...
I'm not a regular on this forum, but nonetheless i will just give my point of view on this subject.
Having bought "Cold Light of Monday" only a couple of months ago (i've never even heard about Wolverine prior to this, and almost fell backwards when i listened to the album in the cd-shop). But after buying the album I found out that the band would be releasing a new CD only a couple of months later (even though I could read that it had been postponed for quite some time due to some problems with the label. However I can only back those who urge all of you not to download the album, even though it's available for download prior to the release date. When you enjoy a band you really should support them by buying their works if you like them. The MP3-share-programs such as "Soulseek", "Kazaa" and so on isn't in anyway supportive to the music they share. Even though I do have the oppinion that it's not actually destroying the music buisness, I don't think it's good for the smaller labels either.
Please buy music, dont download.

P.S. I have a radio-streaming on my mp3-player and listened to some radio on the internet a couple of days ago, where they played "Bleeding", and it truly sounded awesome, cant wait for the entire album to be released :worship:
I'm not sure my case is typical, but I will be purchasing "Still" because I really liked the files I downloaded from the net. It's a terrific disc, and should place pretty high up on my best of 06' list.

I was only familiar with Wolverine by name prior to hearing "Still", so for me being able to hear the mp3's and subsequently enjoying them was the clincher.

Chalk up one sale to mp3 downloading !! Heck, it might be more than one sale actually. I plan on ordering Cold Light, and Window Purpose very soon as well.

Hello all, my first post

Here's my point of view.. I actually had never heard of Wolverine - a week back I heard one of the songs from 'Still' through an ONLINE radio stream (guess which one - none other than Gary's 'Screaming Symphony' in Australia - Keep up the good work Gary).... So, that got me pretty interested, so I downloaded the promo. And I'm a big fan of it.. Chalk another sale to mp3's :)

I can understand both points of view, buy there's plenty of people out there will buy CDs even if they have the mp3s, just because they want the whole package, or because they want to support the artist, or both. And Nifhelhelm is right, mp3s do give unparralled exposure for unknown bands, particularly where the metal scene isn't huge, and may be fairly scattered (e.g. Australia).

Looking forward now to giving the other Wolverine albums a listen to , bring it on!